Just like the Title says, this a list of weapons that could potentially be added to Darktide, based on the ideas of several people who have discussed this topic over on Discord. If you think you have an idea as to what else can be added, go right ahead.
Power-fist: melee for vet (maybe ogyrn)
Melta-gun: short-range gun for vet and/or zealot
Additional Psyker staves: current selection is still limited
Stub rifle: basically a bolt-action rifle for vet, low fire rate and reload speed, high damage and maybe an actual scope
brass knuckles: short range melee for ogryn
small pick-axe: one handed melee weapon for veteran with excellent damage against carapace
flaming mace: melee weapon for zealot to set heretics on fire
Flail: two-handed melee for ogryn
hammer: another two-handed weapon for ogryn
grenade launcher: multi-shot explosive weapon for veteran
This is all I can think of at the moment, but feel free to add to this list as you see fit.
here are some additional weapons that I remembered being dicussed:
Mini-gun: ranged weapon for Ogryn when the twin stubber isn’t enough
Psychic tome: book weapon for psyker that allows casting of advanced techniques, such as a vortex like VT2’s blightstormer, plus it would be funny to beat a heretic over the head with a book.
Holy tome combo weapon: book weapon similar to VT2’s warrior career hammer and tomb combo, just cuz
It doesn’t matter, the game is neither realistic or lore-friendly. If the zealot can switch from a huge flamethrower to a giant two-handed chain sword or thunder hammer in one second, I couldn’t care less if my Ogryn can switch to Augmetic fist the same way (or Veteran from a ranged weapon to the power fist). Gameplay > realism.
A Power Fist I see no issue with, and if GW\FS see fit to create an Ogryn Pattern Power Fist (which doesn’t have precedent, but would make sense when you have both Power Mauls and Mace-Fist assigned to Ogryns), cause you can take it off without issue.
And Augmentic you can’t take it off, it replace the limb
For example here, the Storm Welder is one of the Augmentic, you can’t take it off.