Lingering Flames is Busted

There are all kinds of interesting ways to balance it:

  1. Sienna is channeling while lingering flames is applied. -20% move speed and dodge distance while applied and for 15 seconds after it expires.

  2. Sienna is channeling. . . Stamina reduced to 1 and can can not benefit from block cost reduction while lingering flames is applied and for 15 seconds after it expires.

Both of those would be hard to play around.

Also, lingering flames and hagbane were known to be very good by many many good players long before they ever appeared on forums. I recall on launch all the declarations that hagbane was trash, and then when jsat posted a video it was like, “hagbane was good all along!”, and I laughed at both.

The same is true for so many things in life. People are on average, average. . . and they don’t even know what average means. It’s normal, not good, not bad. Therefore, basically the mainstream is built for the average person. The above average person then, is improving on the mainstream at worst and at best is ignoring it. . . because it is so very average and obvious. A lot of people knew what the mainstream learned before the mainstream knew it.

I dont want to misunderstand, are you claiming to be the innovator that made lingering flames and hagbane “good”?

Of course not, that would just be conceited. There were thousands of players at the time, surely others also were aware of these things. I was speaking in terms of my experiences when playing, people telling me back then to not use those things because they’re bad and stuff and then I demonstrate that they’re actually good in-game.

I don’t think I remember the video, but I do remember the many people in game or on the forums.

They would definitely make it hard to play around, but that would hamstring the player so hard it’d be a total detriment to play it. I get that those are merely examples though.

LOL, yes! Although, I see this even with some of the best players. Disagreement about what is optimal. Its actually a beautiful time right now in the game. There are a lot of little details that keep popping up with unexpected weapons working in interesting ways, and certain talents working in fantastic ways creating new play styles.

I’ll tell you, 15% DR on unchained basically all the time is pretty damn good, but the attention required to play it is demanding because its new. Its super fun to play, and it is powerful to boot.

I never did like the idea that the DOT is permanent. Now that it does decent damage it’s more of a problem though. Could be fixed simply by making it something like 5x normal duration - that would be plenty long enough for 90% of encounters but require you to reaply it occasionally on bosses.


Still with you on this. I love that Battle Wizard has a truly unique build that feels effective. I want more careers to feel like that.

I personally am OK with the indefinite burn, because that spec does not allow you to quickly dispatch armored units. I find the terror event on Convocation of Decay is much easier with careers that can quickly dispatch targets than with Battle Wizard burn.


Use dps. You’re not accounting for tick rate. Also keep in mind you can’t override a burn. So you have to burn a fresh target. I’m not the only one who has tested this btw. My tests were accurate.

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The problem isn’t that BW isn’t risky. It’s that it’s skill less and 100% 0 risk. You burn once and hold block. It’s obscene. You can also cheese difficult content with it like FoW, high weaves, etc.

I was accounting for tick rate


  1. Conflag scales extremely well
    With difficulty. Hence why it’s the most common class at weave 110+. Also, ran with one in Cata 3 difficulty mod + spawn tweaks. The more hp everything has the better BW is.

  2. it takes about 10 seconds to kill a Cata SV with Conflag. Like 6-7 with kaboom.

Honestly I feel that there are other careers, like Zealot and Shade, that can deal better with Elites… and with other advantages (like more efficiency against Specials or invisibility)… but anyway, do you think nerf a career is so simple or fast? It takes time and resources, things that currently must be dedicated somewhere else.

Then explain this

(fun fact firesword have faster tick rate)

Just tested this myself; you’re correct. Kaboom burn damage ticks significantly faster.

I see no problem with this. She doesn’t have that high a crit rate and sucks in melee in comparison to the likes of pyro with high crit. She has much harder temp health regen ability as well. Take it away or nerf it and pyro just outshines BW.


It does?

Kaboom! doesn’t even give bonus burn damage. It just increases the radius, despite the talent saying otherwise.


Take thp on stagger with firesword or dagger. The thp gain is ABSURD (always has been, we just now have the density on live for it to really shine).

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Presumably you run chaos/inf right? So your staff is getting at least 20% bonus damage, you also hit him with the dead center of Conflag which has a single target profile with considerable damage. Finally, even with these advantages, the mauler died in 9 seconds for both tests. Ty for proving my point.

Please, everyone listen. There is a great add on called UI tweaks. It has an option called something like show dps as a buff. This tool is invaluable for testing. If you’re not using it you’re really gimping yourself.

On Legend, yes. On Cataclysm it’s about 19 seconds.



I understand the use you’re suggesting, but in the videos shown in this thread so far UI Tweaks isn’t going to change the results shown. Such as the time-to-die and what is showing up in the chat box. Given that they have different damage, you can put two DoTs on the chaos spawns and see that the burn rate is the same for both Kaboom! and Burnout, as well as either active talent and the conflag staff.

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Yes, by a very noticeable amount. The reason you’re not getting the faster tick rate is because you’ve got the other talent selected and are using it first. After a bit more testing, it seems like it only works as expected in the fort when you load Battle Wizard with that talent selected before using the ability. If you still can’t get it to work, I’ll make a video in response.