Krourk stubber needs some love, (the other two are fine)

The Krourk is the original model of the heavy stubber. They eventually added two more, the Gorgonium and the Achlys. Both of the latter have things to recommend them, the Gorgonium is the most accurate and does a lot of damage, the Achlys has a high rate of fire and lots of ammo. The Krourk kinda sucks however because it doesn’t excel at anything and is in fact the LEAST accurate of the three weapons. You can see this just by looking at the Stability bar.

  • The Achlys gets buffs to Sway and recoil reduction for both hip fire and braced stationary/moving shots.

  • The Gorgonium gets all of that plus an additional buff in the form of spread reduction, making it the most accurate of the three stubbers.

  • What does the Krourk get for high stability stats? Sway reduction and… braced fire moving recoil? That’s literally it. No spread reduction, no stationary recoil reduction of any kind.

As it stands I don’t see any reason to use a Krourk over the Achlys. The Achlys is better in ever way, even if it does slightly less damage you will land more shots and have more ammo, which equates to more damage and more kills. The Krourk bucks like a wild horse and is only effective at close range whereas the other two stubbers can handle both short and long range just fine.


You’re onto something there, but the Krourk also has the worst mods of the Stubbers on enemies, giving it the same or worse damage compared to the Achlys considering that one shoots faster.

Krourk has 1.1 for unarmored, 0.5 for flak, 0.6 for unyielding, 1.0 for maniac, 0.1 for carapace and 0.88 for infested. Gorgonum only changes the flak mod to 0.75, but the Achlys has 0.75 unyielding mods and 1.1 infested instead. Honestly it should probably share mods with the Gorgonum if its supposed to be ‘heavier’.

Yeah I’m not sure what role I would intend it to fill but it definitely needs something. Currently it’s a “worse Achlys”, ideally it would have something unique that it does better than the Achlys and Gorgonium.

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