So, straigt to the point, I really do not understand the Achlys and Krourk types.
Just don’t understand how to use them properly, so I am asking fellow Ogryns - How?
Don’t use them.
Kroruk has nothing going for it. Don’t use it.
Achlys is great for hordes, you can keep shooting for a long time and supress enemies. Alternatively, you can use it with the +30 rending talent for “emergency armor penetration”. It’s even better with charmed reload. I go with +maniac and flak damage
Gorgonum if you want to be a heavy turret. Achlys if you want to be a lighter, more mobile turret. Gun Lugger Ogryn makes good use of both. Both can work well with +Flak and +Maniac damage, though you can try putting +Carapace on the Gorgonum if you are really determined to never stop using it, even when faced with a Crusher horde. Many usually put Charmed Reload (Replenishes Ammo on crit) on the gun, which elongates its magazine. Which lends itself well with +crit chance as a perk, though it’s not strictly necessary if you prefer a different perk. With Charmed Reload alone your magazine is usually big enough to last you through whatever you need.
All in all, +maniac/+flak or +crit chance along with Charmed Reload and whatever other blessing you want is the safest build until you want to experiment further.
A more risky setup is forgoing Charmed Reload entirely and instead going all out on damage with the Overwhelming Fire and the Blaze Away blessings. Which is what I use on my Gun Lugger at times when I want to switch things up.
I love the stubbers, but I have started switching to Grenade Gauntlet now… the lack of a good answer to armour was just too much, at least when I carry the shield.
But i wanna ;-;
long time stubber user. Krourk has its accuracy spread biased towards the first shots of the burst, and quickly goes to boom boom. try using it in 5-6 round bursts. even in the hip it’s pretty decent at this and you can pick off snipers. suppression is the enemy, but you can scare all the gun hands in a room after a couple volleys. mostly its just outclassed by the gorgonum, it is actually sitting in a pretty decent spot after all its buffs from launch (where it was absolutely bunk).
achlys is a lot closer to a braced autogun, for better and worse. you don’t have a trigger delay before firing, but your stagger power is a lot weaker and the range is terrible with fall off closer to a Kickback than the rest of the group. but only 1 braced autogun cleaves, and it doesn’t cleave anywhere near like this gun so its very good at spraying down maniac enemies (most specials). the accuracy decay when firing is less than the krourk but it will never be as accurate even tap firing. but this does make it the best user of things like blaze away and overwhelming fire.
gorgonum is very strongly tuned with stagger values able to floor reapers from medium distance after a couple shots, no flak weakness like the rest of the gang and a massive damage fall off distance that lets it basically 2 shot gunhands whenever. it is one of the better weapons in the game.
thanks for coming to my slab speak
Thanks for the reply, good info especially for Krourk.
How do you think what kind of melee is nice to smooth out the weakspots with various Stubbers?
For me with Gorgonum it’s Mk4 cleaver or Power Maul (But it kinda can be used with anything really), but with other ones I kinda get lost, and kinda drawn towards the PM (Because I like it, and the stagger)
I think the clubs not mk3b that thing is unusable work best with it. They fall behind on horde clear so if you save a bit of ammo for spraying into those groups before they split you’ll have tons of time to work over elites. Shooting inaccurately and fast is actually a benefit here, if you use that ‘fire mode’ of dumping ammo or hipfiring. Another thing I forgot to mention is that despite being horrible on flak the 2 other stubbers actually do fine on gunhands. Most of them aren’t armored on the legs, and the stubbers have a pretty high damage stat with 10% extra unarmored damage. So you can kill shotgunners and scab stalkers almost as fast as you’ll deal with groups of dregs shooting to Cotton Hill heretics.
its fun to go dakka it makes ammo counter go brrrrrrrr , usefull if your shovel brakes or you want to make it harder work clearing a horde
Power Maul?
Well, I have found a niché for the Krourk, at least on the Gun Lugger:
Full damage build with +Damage build against an Unyielding and either +Damage against Maniac or Flak. While the Krourk doesn’t excel at raw DPS like the Achlys and is surpassed by the Gorgonum in general ranged combat, it does have a good mix of large magazine size, damage, range and handling to be a very good boss killer. The Gorgonum has trouble against bosses if the Gun Lugger is the target of said boss due to the low magazine size, and the low fire rate makes it harder to refresh Point-blank Barrage with Lucky Bullet triggers.
Overall, the Krourk is “fine” if you want a weapon that can do everything “ok enough” while being a very capable boss killer if built for that purpose. It’d likely take more resources and bricked weapons than it’s worth investing into it. Gorgonum works for every Ogryn class and is easy to make worthwhile (Just slap on +damage against Flak/Maniac, get the Charmed Reload blessing if you have a low ammo value) no matter how badly the crafting RNG screws you over. Krourk takes a more specific set of perks and blessings to really shine, but it can shine in the hands of the Gun Lugger that just wants to never put away his ranged weapon and looks forward to singlehandedly dueling Daemonhosts.
Krourk’s one capability over the Gorgonum is that it can kill Daemonhosts and over bosses in a single magazine without relying on luck or the Charmed Reload blessing, Gorgonum can’t do that if the Gun Lugger is also the target of the Daemonhost. With Point Blank Barrage, Bullet Bravado and Light 'em Up the Gun Lugger can facetank through every attack the Daemonhost throws at him while keeping on shooting it point blank.
“Brunt’s Basher” Mk IIIb Bully Club
Its “block+attack+light attack” combo deals more damage than heavy attacks and is way faster. Great for removing armored targets. And simple LMB spam does the job with a horde.
Bull Butcher Cleaver Mk3 and Bully Club Mk3b Brunt’s Basher both work fine. Take Bull Butcher if you feel yourself threatened by simple hordes too often, take Brunt’s Basher if you feel yourself threatened by mixed hordes too often. On the Gun Lugger though, the Stubber with Point Blank Barrage and Ligh 'em Up should be able to mow down mixed hordes well enough until only the simple horde enemies remain. Which means that Bull Butcher with Confident Strikes and Slaughterer blessings is probably the best overall choice if you base your playstyle mostly around using the Stubber, rather than your melee weapon.
Both work for the same reason: They are not reliant on heavy attacks at all, unlike most of the other Ogryn weapons. Both work best when simply spamming light attacks with only the occasional situational heavy thrown in here and there. Since the Gun Lugger doesn’t have much in the way of points he can invest into his melee abilities, taking weapons that work just fine without investment function best, and this is a role that both Mk3 club and cleaver fulfill.
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