KNOWN ISSUE: Backend Error

Issue Description: Backend Error

Crash Report ): Does not crash just will not let me passed the character creation screen, as soon as i make my character and click the button to finish it instantly gives me this error, about 20 times now and darktide and EAC are allowed through my firewall so that is not the problem.


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[BST Permanantly]

console-2022-11-17-19.34.21-64c2287e-136c-4377-ac78-59ed38fe8cc2.log (44.4 KB)
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console-2022-11-17-20.36.25-92da5213-432a-4fe5-a8dc-c38495371eb7.log (22.9 KB)

Just to add to this because it would not even let me passed the character creation i had to manually allow EAC passed the firewall and even tried running the setup for it from within the darktide folder, still nothing.

(Update) this issue was solved by taking the space out of my character name, calling it Mr Hyde caused the error, just shortening it to Hyde solved it.

I load darktide and get stoped at the [press space to continue] i press space and then i get the back end error, Error signing in



17/11/2022 21:05 GMT

console-2022-11-17-21.15.16-7a64f254-adeb-493b-bed1-c0e490d1441f.log (7.3 KB)

console-2022-11-17-20.40.54-1329f0b9-4178-450a-93f6-98b7b1db3a83.log (58.2 KB)

Stuck at press space to continue.


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
11/17-18/2022 [0:00 - now. GMT+3]

console-2022-11-17-20.38.12-cdd38a56-20ab-483a-a863-b7d6c9c8e84a.log (60.7 KB)
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console-2022-11-17-21.28.23-193c161e-e741-45c0-83a6-daa5ce818c99.log (24.7 KB)

I also have problem with logging in. “Error signing in”

Platform: Steam
Player ID: 76561198005206202
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone: 22:30 CET
Log: this folder is empty for me. Console log wasn’t created
Also have proiblem with sending bug raport via game luncher
Wirewall exceptions added, test lunch with all security deactivated also failed
MSG after fail bug raport :GUID: 8311b254-aaf4-4a13-b5d8-edc586590702
Log File:
Info Type:
[Crash Link]:

I only got this (344 Bytes)


my permanent fix: setting IP address to static with DMZ hosting
temporary solution: Using a VPN

^^^ As it says on the Tin.


Getting this too. Still, the servers made it two hours for me before melting down. Not great, but by modern standards well above average for a launch.

Happening here as well inconsistently, I had to restart several times before getting into the game. Happened as well during character creation.

Related to this, I got disconnected during the initiation cutscene, upon logging back in, the cutscene ended and I was getting some radio chatter talking as if I went through the whole thing. Can’t walk ten steps in the hub without getting disconnected.

@FatsharkProxy @FatsharkJulia
When will this bug be fixed? I sat for 1.5 hours looking for a solution, but found nothing.

1 Like

Backend Error when connecting to the game while using NordVPN. This does not occur when playing Vermintide 2. I can connect and play without the VPN but this causes issues with other applications and basic internet usage.


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/17/2022, 04:40 PM] [EST]

console-2022-11-17-19.37.06-b1ca551d-fffd-473b-abb2-17e80f178a66.log (932.1 KB)

1 Like

I have the same issue, but VPN does not work for me :frowning: I am trying to play from Barcelona spain

Issue Description: Backend Error

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Press Space to Continue
  2. Presses Space and gets “Processing Inquisitorial Clearance”
  3. Backend Error


Player ID:
(Steam Community :: Shylo)

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/17/2022, 04:03PM] [CST]

Upload Console Log:
console-2022-11-17-21.59.55-c469178e-0c7e-4285-b6cb-b56b7189be62.log (19.8 KB)

I had no issues in the previous beta, just started occurring for this one.

Tried changing DNS and flushing the cache, not fixed.

Crash Report (If Applicable):

Steps to Reproduce:

Logged into the game and clicked continue
Can not get past (++ Processing Inquisitorial Clearance ++)


Player ID:
[76561198052048709/ Steam Community :: Fronki ]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/18/2022, 14:08/PM] [GMT+4]

Upload Console Log:

console-2022-11-17-22.00.50-d95d001c-c29f-473a-b728-fb4b1e523c95.log (20.4 KB)
console-2022-11-17-21.49.27-f9f01fd4-d845-4e7f-89ea-540f947a868a.log (29.9 KB)

Getting the same issue, and VPNs haven’t fixed it. For reference, I’m on a stable wired ethernet connection–the speed is nothing to get excited about but more than adequate.

Issue Description: Backend Error

Crash Report (If Applicable):
[Please see instructions on how to provide a crash report in the pinned Topic]

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Start game
  2. Press Space (or A on an Xinput gamepad) to log in
  3. Wait.
  4. Observe Backend Error


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
11/17/2022, 02:26PM EST and ongoing to time of report

Upload Console Log:
Loads of em, with and without VPNs. Enjoy!
console-2022-11-17-19.08.23-85ac7e6e-3778-4dc8-bbd7-4a289c2a783b.log (87.8 KB)
console-2022-11-17-20.00.51-62219997-4494-45ed-9aa4-bd3f64753c49.log (6.4 MB)
console-2022-11-17-22.00.25-0c5f8aa9-28f3-460b-a99b-62279101e592.log (19.0 KB)
console-2022-11-17-22.10.25-22153e9c-4dad-4a11-9790-46f2061b77ce.log (20.6 KB)
console-2022-11-17-22.18.26-6d1859eb-a4f9-4828-97dd-7bad628ceff4.log (19.4 KB)

Issue Description: Backend Error

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Press Space to Continue
  2. Presses Space and gets “Processing Inquisitorial Clearance”
  3. Backend Error


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/17/2022, 04:03PM] [CST] Italy (Fastweb ISB)

Console Logs:
console-2022-11-17-19.56.48-91f621c6-cffd-43a6-a8c3-3f4c917da762.log (33.4 KB)
console-2022-11-17-20.02.41-ce272b61-61a5-4368-b4b6-15b70274eeb3.log (24.7 KB)
console-2022-11-17-23.16.33-8c2cd620-d91e-4f36-b637-dd283f40d379.log (24.8 KB)

Using a VPN fixes the problem, but that’s not a sustainable solution.

Issue Description:
Open game, press space bar when it tells me to, game will hiccup and then tell me it’s processing inquisitorial clearance for like a full minute, then I get a backend error: error signing in.

Crash Report (If Applicable):
No crash.

Steps to Reproduce:
Open the game and press space bar at sign in.

Steam PC

Player ID:
ID: 76561198001782988

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/17/2022, 4:30PM to 5:45PM ] [EST]

Upload Console Log:
console-2022-11-17-22.22.33-ffb4eb60-e620-4aa5-815d-892826fb08c0.log (21.7 KB)
console-2022-11-17-22.17.48-880f8ac6-85ef-44c8-988e-92dfeb7cbbd7.log (28.5 KB)
console-2022-11-17-21.56.20-6cd2d1a5-d653-4f84-9b04-05055fe1d2f3.log (23.3 KB)
console-2022-11-17-21.44.49-55372b61-58f4-4354-bb34-df21b5157dfe.log (40.1 KB)
console-2022-11-17-21.26.58-7f5b49d7-4f44-45c5-a4fb-87ee4cdc1768.log (29.4 KB)

Issue Description: Stuck on loading screen with statement “Processing Inquisitorial Clearance” forever. Tried restarting, verifying game cache. What’s weird is this didn’t happen this morning

Steps to Reproduce: Starting the game, and skipping the intro cutscene

Update: It seems launching the game fullscreen resolves this issue. I get the issue if I launch it in borderless fullscreen.


Player ID: Steam ID: 76561197999175344

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/17/2022, 2:50/PM] [PST
console-2022-11-17-22.38.11-1a551a98-14fe-471e-aa12-a695085be207.log (17.9 KB)
console-2022-11-17-22.41.53-3087448b-6cae-4838-acfb-4b3f924d6687.log (18.3 KB)

Crash Report (If Applicable):
console-2022-11-17-22.50.38-4fd44b50-a29f-4b53-9dc2-844c785606aa.log (58.1 KB)

Steps to Reproduce:
Click the Start Button
Load into Hub for a little while. (stayed long enough to look at mission select screen)
I then Observed Backend Error


Player ID:


Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/17/2022, 02:50PM] [ Pacific Standard Time (PST) or UTC/GMT -8]

Does this work consistently for you? Tried Fullscreen, tried VPNs, tried everything people say have worked for them but I keep getting the same result. I’m beginning to wonder if they just happened to get lucky one time while throwing things against the wall.