"Knife through butter" Ogryn lvl 25 talent

This talent feels lackluster in my opinion, I think it could use a remake, something like:

1- “Fully charged heavies have infinite cleave, reduce time till an attack is fully charged by 25%”

2- “Landing a fully charged heavy, causes that attack and 2 subsequent heavy attacks to have infinite cleave”

3- “Fully charged heavies have infinite cleave, and deal full damage to all targets, as if they were the first target”

Anyone using this, can you tell me if it’s actually good? I’ve tried it, but feels like a high risk low reward situation, specially considering the damage is still reduced after the first target, and most ogryn melee weapons have high cleave anyway.

I don’t play Ogryn, but don’t most weapons have insanely long max charge times on heavies ? So that you can sprint at enemies with your heavy readied ?

If so, there’s no way anyone could make effective use of this feat.

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It is awfully lack luster and just another proof that whoever made the feat tree has no idea how the actual gameplay works. Regular heavies are already dangerous to execute on the Ogryn, fully charged ones almost guarantee you’re eating a hit or three.

It’s only niché appears to be to allow the Ogryn to control a horde of Bulwarks, Crushers, armored maniacs and Maulers, but if that ever occurs it’s usually a better idea not to sit in place and risk eating several hammers to the face. The charge with the cooldown reduction feat can control those well enough along with ample use of punches and shoves without leaving the Ogryn wide open.

As it is, I see no use for it that justifies how awkward it is to execute and how situational it is.


I heard some people actually use this for Crushers and Bulwarks on high difficulty, but using Rumbler is better in this situation, since you can do this while dodging quickly. And even you can’t regenerate ammo, it’s the better way. (Sometimes there is no Vet in team.)

Funny thing is in that line of Feat, Raging bull is bugged. Payback time is risky when you are low, Knife through butter is risky all the time.

Some blessing can imitate this Feat. Not infinite but useful way.

Savage Seep : 100~200% Cleave for 3 sec on Multiple hit. (I don’t think it can cut through Crusher, but you can hit almost infinite horde with good cleave stat weapon)
Unstoppable Force : Heavy attacks ignore Hit mass Bonus from armour. (It can cut through Crusher’s armor on Damnation test room)

And there’s hummies weapon blessing (and our shovel), that an axe can ignore hit masses.

So our this Feat is actually give less than blessing, since they don’t need fully charge.

I proposed ‘Your heavy attack, 15% power, and 50% cleave with Charge Time, Stacks 3 times. And Fully charged heavy attacks have unlimited Cleave.’ on my Ogryn feedback post, before. In recent thought my suggestion should have lower power buff.

The thing is heavy attack makes you slow while you are sprinting. And Most of his weapons have overhead heavy attack as first heavy attack. You can’t sprint while doing second heavy on my test.

You can charge your heavy while dodging (or dodging sliding), still risk is too high.

I would just remove the fully charged requirement, all you’re really getting is extra stagger or the option to cleave damage targets around armored units, which is fine for Ogryn.