Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
Kinetic Flayer is annoying to use and sometimes it explodes poxbursters into your face: when you perform the Force Sword Bash+Bash Attack combo while holding down the attack button, there is a 10% chance for the poxburster to explode and use your kinetic flayer.
I would suggest a fix to be that Kinetic Flayer is instead a 15 sec cooldown ability that makes casting brain rupture (near) instant once per the 15 second cooldown, so you can use it with more control. This can be easily implemented by giving it a large casting speed buff such as 2000%. It can also have its cost removed or reduced, like how the current implementation does not cost peril, but I do not know if that is necessary.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Go to a game, use Kinetic Flayer, have no control over when it activates, sometimes having no effect on a horde-enemy or sometimes when you push a poxburster with a force sword bash+bash attack combo you explode the poxburster right in front of you.
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
No, I don’t use mods
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Unusual (<25%)