Kerillian Lore

I think Saltzpyre and Sienna are a pretty obvious ship and they totally would be extremely crazy in the bedroom; get up to all kinds of kinky shenanigans.

He’s totally soft on her and shows that provided the forces of Chaos was defeated he’d let her go. I’m pretty sure he has the hots too, and they act like a bickering old couple.

My favourite dialogue goes something like this:

Saltzpyre: I must admit… Flames do lend themselves well to purification.

Sienna: Oh, stop it, you’ll make me blush.

Saltzpyre: Wha- That’s not what I… WITCH!!!

He acts like an embarrassed teenager that doesn’t want to admit they like someone. And I find it kind of funny how eagerly and excitedly he cheers on Sienna as she burns heretics, despite her being a wizard.


Well, looks like we’ve shipped Sienna and Salty, Krubs and Kerillian. I guess that confirms that Geneviève Dieudonné ends up with Bardin :joy:


I mean, I’ve had the same sort of response a few times.

“Hey, T, you’re not great at video games.”

“Wha- That’s not at al- WITCH!!!”

Works in pretty much every conversation. Try it!


Don’t worry, I absolutely knew you were joking, and so was I! XD I should have phrased mine more obviously comically.

And yeah, Saltz x Sienna is totally obvious, the clearest ship in the game, but I can still imagine Keri and Saltz!

You know, I bet she never has taken up with a Dwarf, he might live long enough for it to be interesting, though she was last just with Detlef Sierck, as I recall. Also, Dwarves are pretty conservative and want their womenfolk staying at home, which would probably grow boring for Genevieve. She loves to change her life up. And Dwarves also kinda hate the undead.



That’s adorably accurate. I need to see this for real. :weary:

So, i had a few games and something just clicked… nearly every time Kerillian takes ammo, she says “I’m glad Araloth isn’t here to see me use this worthless ammo”. That voice line has been in game since release and I never paid it any mind lol.

So yea, the whole Araloth is family voice line is making a lot more sense now.


As @Angerblaze and @SmokerT69 have said, the black eye thing isn’t abnormal, but iirc it extended to high elves and dark elves back in the day too (as they’re all one kind originally in warhammer fantasy). It was just an early Games Workshop design that got dropped(-ish) later and nowadays you see either depending on whose portrayal of the setting it is.

It’s hard to say if it’s just for Kerillian, wood elves or all elves in Vermintide as Kerillian’s the only elf we’ve seen in the game, but it’s probable FS just liked the old shark eye design better as it sets the elves apart more and went with it.

@Haybear already brought it up but Total War Warhammer is a good example of the opposite, all the elves there have human-style eyes, including the wood elves.

This is my favourite part of the theory as it just feels so right.

Was that ever explained for warhammer fantasy? It makes sense for 40K as the eldar orgied Slaanesh into existence but it feels like it was shoehorned into fantasy.

That said, I think the waystones in fantasy act like the ones in 40K for high elves, storing high elven souls. Wood elf souls end up absorbed by Athel Loren but I don’t know if that requires proximity to the worldroots to happen.

The rest either end up in Ereth Khial’s underworld or eaten.

Gotta agree, but I bet it’s a mixture of both - he just acts all cold and efficient while secretly being super into it. I bet his WHC torture skills come in handy on Sienna…

I picture him and the witch being a thing not him and Kerillian though.

I don’t think you’re wrong, even she and Bardin seem to be good friends despite insulting each other for being a prancing wutelgi and stinking dwarf respectively. You hear it at times, like in Against the Grain where Kruber is reminiscing about his family’s cattle and they both troll him together:

Kruber: Waste of good livestock, rotting in the fields. My folks had a small herd of Talabec cows. Lovely breed.

Kerillian: Let me guess, they raised you as one of their own? (laugh)

Bardin: That’s… (laughing) That’s why we never see him when the moons are full. He’s out mooing for his lost kin.

Kerillian: (laughs)

Kruber: (growl) Last time I tell you two anything.

Kerillian: Why of course your bovine majesty!

There’s also the anniversary dialogue between her and the others.

OR! They add Skinky-boi and he and Bardin can laugh at all the sappy, shipped couples while cracking open some boyz with the cold o… wait.

I could’ve sworn I heard a line in the beta (might’ve been in the weaves but I dunno) where Kerillian called him ‘cousin Araloth’ talking about the TKs or so.

He’ll never be as good as Okri.