Kantral MG XII and MG Ia Rework

Let me start this by stating I love this gun, I use it allot.

But in saying this i’ve come to realise against the MG Ia pattern it’s very little downside if at all.

The total ammo is on average bigger and the consumption of battery is entirely the same despite the extra power usage[3 per shot] it would be outputting. so much so I can go entire heresy and damnation matches without needing to worry about ammo in a close knit team, I can survive with maybe 1 or 2 small ammo boxes.

The cost? “slightly” slower fireing speed which is more than adjustable. it’s a VERY safe option.

The MG Ia pattern has essentially less power and reserves than the MG XII. Which makes it not unusable, but why choose it when a better version exists? [looks obviously sure]

Racking my cogitator on this for awhile and doing some basic numbers and diving into the lore I think the balance can be made without sacraficing what makes this gun a reliable hard hitter.

higher powered eat through more battery power.

So lets say we rolled a MG Ia and MG XII with a clip size of 100, both use 3 shots, at wildly differing damage values.

if we were to rework the MG XII kantrals to 5 per shot that would bring it on average around 20 shots. giving a clear disadvantage to it’s wonderful damage profile.

I would also suggest making the firing speed a bit slower, making it more punishing on missed shots alongside decreasing it’s overall ammo pool, making it so there are more times the players might coast along the red.

As for the MG Ia, lets give it’s hypothetical clip size a bump to 110, averaging around 35 shots, giving it a distinctly comfertable middle ground between the MG XII’s 20 and MG IV’s absurdly dummy thicc 60+ rounds.
Alongside maybe a small bump to it’s ammo reserves total it should become a more enticing choice for players who desire a reliable rifle as it’s known to be.

Hopefully the team can find use from these notes.

As it stands the damage values between the two I beleive is fine, I seen no current need to touch them.
though the MG XII does IMO make the helbore veriants more risky a pick, but thats something I need to further research before I write about another time.

Stop asking for nerfs until we have

  • no perk locks
  • no blessing locks
  • upgradeable modifiers (up to 100%)

Right now, there are no weapons that overperform to a degree that they are gamebreaking, unfair, or remove difficulty.
If anything, underperformers should be buffed in order to make them more useful.

Absolutely nothing should be nerfed before we have proper crafting that allows us to use weapons at their full potential, and to adjust our setups in response to nerfs.


Lets not nerf the MG12. Its in a great place. Lets just buff the other lasguns.


1a should basically fire two shots instead of one with the same dmg per round and the same ammo cost it has now (or maybe25% more, someone should run the numbers). the fire rate should be halved to make sure dps is not affected.

being just short on ammo is on thing, constant fire button spam is another.

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C-c-can i put it here?


How about making the Mg Ia viable without nerfing the MG XII into the ground? Just an idea…

Increasing the ammo pool to MG XII levels while reducing the ammo consumption to two units would be an option…