Easy fix for Kantrael Mg Ia

TLDR: Reducing the Mg Ia‘s ammo consumption to two per shot will put it into a much better place among the infantry lasguns.

Long version:
If we compare the three Kantreals with 80% in damage and ammo we find the following:

Mg Ia:
Damage: 165
RoF: 3,64
DPS: 600
Ammo: 108/540
Shots: 36/180
Total damage potential: 5,940/29,700

Damage: 124
RoF: 5
DPS: 620
Ammo: 140/828
Shots: 70/414
Total damage potential: 8,680/51,336

Damage: 289
RoF: 2,5
DPS: 722,5
Ammo: 108/636
Shots: 36/212
Total damage potential: 10,404/61,268

So we see that while DPS of the three are reasonably close (the much higher DPS of the twelve are partially set off by wasted damage excess and high recoil) the potential damage in one clip as well as in the ammo reserve are vastly lower in the Mg Ia while they are close enough in the XII and the IV. This means picking the Ia over the other two actually hurts the team due to a somewhat global ammo reserve.

A very simple solution: reduce the Ia‘s Ammo consumption from 3 to 2 per shot - this lead to following profile:

Mg Ia (modified):
Damage: 165
RoF: 3,64
DPS: 600
Ammo: 108/540
Shots: 54/270
Total damage potential: 8,910/44,550

Now the potential damage is much more in line with the other two but the fundamental balance of the three stays intact.


But fundamental balance is already out of whack. Generally you don’t reward highest alpha damage weapon with highest DPS. That’s bad design.


Oh - I’m all for increasing the Alpha of MG Ia and MG IV by 20% leading to an near identical DPS compared to the MG XII.

But fixing the potential damage would be a good fürst step…

But with this proposed damage increase we’d get:

Mg Ia (modified and buffed):
Damage: 198
RoF: 3,64
DPS: 720
Ammo: 108/540
Shots: 56/270
Total damage potential: 11,088/53,460

Damage: 149
RoF: 5
DPS: 745
Ammo: 140/828
Shots: 70/414
Total damage potential: 10,430/61,686

Damage: 289
RoF: 2,5
DPS: 722,5
Ammo: 108/636
Shots: 36/212
Total damage potential: 10,404/61,268

I’d like that very much :slight_smile:

But I’d settle for the reduced ammo consumption :wink:

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They prob should change weapon profile


  • rapid burst fire mode which leads to higher dps, perfect at close-mid range, bad at long range cause of recoil/dmg falloff


  • damage buff, auto fire, ok at any range, perfect at none cause of recoil/fire rate


  • good as it is, dmr - perfect at long, good at mid, bad at close

Two reasons why i think fire mode profile should be changed:

  • MGXII will always benefit from Deadshot feat more than MGIa and MG IV because of damage per shot if three of them will compete in one (dmr) niche.
  • Changing MG IV a bit more towards SMG will bring more options for zealot/psyker (not sure)/vet run&gun style

I’m not sure how some blessings will work with burst and auto fire mods though, maybe some changes should be done there also.

And that’s incorrect. High alpha balance wise should result in lower average dps.

Edit: to give you a rough estimate, as is MGIV needs to have 10-15% more dps than MGXIII at about 800.

Can we just have a fire selector on the IA and the IV? That way i can burst or even full auto into hordes?

The obvious advantage of faster fire ratee with automatic fire would be giving the weapons better horde clear value. This is a horde shooter after all. Make some of the guns efficient for blasting poxwalkers.


I’ve been begging for a burst-fire Ia or IV for a while (preferably the Ia with OP’s ammo suggestion).

The Ia isn’t hitting any really important breakpoints and never will with this crafting system so my thought is let it dump shots in bursts. End result is it takes a similar amount of clicks and ammo to kill the same thing the xii kills, but looks different enough. Now people can be less sad when the slot machines give them an MG Ia

Before anyone brings up the idea of nerfing the MkXII dmg, don’t.
Bad idea.

With the current damage values, there are a lot of breakpoints that the weapon can reach just by a hair.


I personally don’t like these ideas - the infantry lasguns are basically the only single fire precision weapons in game - we have tons of auto options already…

With vets ult active it releably kills shooters with 1 headshot or two chestshots.

With my proposed 20% damage increase it would do this even without vets ult.

Ok - so 30% damage increase for MG IV and 25% for MG Ia? ^^

No, Lucius are even more precision focused. And Accatran are more spray-type. So it makes a perfect sense to distribute Kantrael pattern between every niche and be the middleground variant, either way Ia and IV will be even more useless if (when) Lucius and Accatran will be buffed in the future. And both IV and Ia can’t compete with XII anyway.

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I have decent MG IVs and MG Ias - if either got ruined by burst fire mode I‘d be furious. And I only once noticed any other player use a burstfire headhunter gun - so my dislike for this most useless firemode seems to be shared ^^

True - but Kantreal are the only ones with decent sights. And Lucius have the charge mechanic which makes rapid single fire sometimes wonky. And Lucius is only available to vet. So Lucius and Kantreal don’t really compete for the same niche.

I agree that the XII outshines the other two - but I‘d rather have them fix this via straight damage buffs then by nerfing these guns further with even more wasteful firemodes.

As suggested above 30% for IV and 25% for Ia would do the trick.

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If we are talking about sharpshooter, than his best choice from non-heavy weapons is always will be dmr alike guns cause of Deadshot feat, since it consumes stamina per shot, it’s better to have a gun with high dmg per 1 shot, obviously. So even if you will buff IV and Ia they are still will be worse than XII. And not using Deadshot with non-spray weapon is a wasting potential, so Ia and IV are kinda doomed in dmr niche untill there will be changes in vet feats.

But most important - they are not vet exclusive weapon, so changing their fire profile is a win situation for rest of classes too.

Cause attachments system were scraped, like if you look at bots, they have kantrael (Ia if i remember correctly) without scopes, so potentialy there should be some optics change for guns in the future (cope). Also one of the first screenshots when game was announced

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You’re not using the Ia, though

Like, ever

Not when the IV shoots so fast and has reversed damage fall off and the XII actually killing things. No buff to the Ia will ever really make it stand out, you can only make it the same.

You have 2 stand out semi-auto lasguns that will never be replaced. So the best option is to make the Ia at least do that while looking cool.

As I also rarely see psykers or preachers use headhunter burst guns I highly doubt it.

Especially the preacher has no reason to go for lasguns at all since his ult lets him kill crushers with nearly all autoguns but noch lasguns.

Nah - I get along without it real fine with all three infantry lasguns. And worthermore I have enough RNG outside of missions - I won’t rely on the chance for crit for damage, even if it’s high ^^

Yeah pitty - don’t see this’ll ever change though…

I am ^^
But yes - the XII is more powerfull. No doubt.

But I disagree it would - nothing is more useless then burstfire…
Full auto would be ok for me :wink:

Statistically, it was a safe guess, but also why i don’t gamble with real money, or read previous comments before making my own :sunglasses:

Well I can’t convince you to like something you wouldn’t enjoy. I kind of like burst fire thanks to the ripper and the post buffed MK III headhunter.


Theoretically IV in smg mode with rapid burst fire can be an alternative for shredder autopistol (especially if pinning fire will be nerfed). With damage/range/fire speed rescale IV via Infernus (needs buff) can be interesting on gunpsyker or zealot, or maybe future classes. Either way they are gonna be useless for everyone.

Maybe, but you are not utilizing its full potential. Infantry lasguns have hidden +5% crit chance in ADS (also Lucius too), add here that fact Deadly Accurate blessing gives huge ass damage buff and crit build on infantry is what most profitable:
+5% crit chance in perks, Headhunter+Deadly Accurate blessings combo + Deadshot (+25% crit chance)


Yeah - it’s not a strong build, just a managable one. Even with decent Perks (unarmored and flak) I still have to take sniper feat over stockpile to hit relevant breakpoints. In turn I kinda have to take demolition team over biooptics. So yes my Mg XII build is much stronger then my Mg Ia build.

I just like how the Ia handles and that it looks like the standard lasgun of the Astra Militarum Minis.

And since the Mg Ia more or less works only if you use it in an actual sniper fashion you’ll be shooting a lot and Ammo becomes a real problem - unlike the other two kantreals.

Hence the thread - I’d be very pleased by a straight damage buff to the IV and Ia though!

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