Suggestion: ammo share, hipefire skill and lasgun tweak

basicly, in some game ammo can be an issue and some players don’t really dig through supplies as much as their gunners so the idea popped into my head of the ability to hit a button and pull out an ammo tin in your hands you can than hold out for a freindly player to take. Takeing a percentage of your reserves and handing it to them.

the second being a skill I’ll dub: jungle fighter.
likely for the veteran but it’s a skill they could take to make fireing from the hip tighter and more reliable, instead of having to rely on the scope so often. instead reserving it for long distance pickings.

AS for the lasguns I propose this:
my offer is as follows, lower power lasguns receive better hipfire and less spread due to the less power behind each shot.

Kantral MG XII dominates the long range space, fair enough. Dont touch it.

Kantral MG Ia becomes a reliable fighter for all round uses, working well in close and medium scenareos.

Kantral MG IV becomes a close combat beast, being able to work with precision in close encounters and indoor fighting.

I feel a simaler logic could be followed with other lasguns, offering a meaningful buff to less powerful veriants without taking away from the big hitters.

hopefully this would offer some meaningful choices of gameplay for players.
I am welcome to suggestions and comments below.

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