Its not the locks, its the blessings

This title is clickb8. Don’t h8, this thread will still be 8/8. The locks are still a problem. However they are a much reduced one with the newest iteration of psuedo-choice based selection.

The biggest issue right now is blessing acquisition. If we’re going to play this game of bargaining for crafting instead of slots machines we might as well try to make it as not bad as possible. Within the current paradigm without any modification the biggest road block to building weapons in a desirable manner is a method for targeted blessing acquisition. There is no way to work towards a specific blessing. You must merely play the slots machine and hope. Give me a way to hunt blessings. This is most harmful to new players who have not invested ninety bajllion hours in playing, as I have done, and as a consequence there is no way for low-hours players to acquire choice blessings or experiment for builds.

Kind regards, as always.


I…honestly agree with this. I’m not a time-sinker. But every time I upgrade a weapon, it feels like half my results are the exact same blessing. This has hit my Zealot hardest (I only get Perfect Strike on evis and Shock & Awe on thammer for some reason) but it’s still prevalent.

I can’t get Thrust to proc beyond T3’s in the Melk shop and the RNG has not been favorable recently.

Changing blessing acquisition to be more choice-oriented would help.


I would add that the part of the problem is that half of the blessings are trash, and half of the rest are t1 and t2 which no one want to use cause it’s a trash too. Theoreticaly crafting will not be so frustrating with a better balance.


Hmmph. My biggest issue is that all the decent gear I had is still locked, because (naturally) I upgraded what I could to make them as good as I could.

So for any benefit from this patch, I’ve got to go grinding gear again. Which I’m not going to do.

But yes. RNG blessing acquisition is still alive and kicking. I’d much prefer it if t1-t4 weren’t just straight up upgrades, but meh, it’s done now.


Yeah this really didn’t change much beyond the absolutely brain dead perk rerolling leaving and the account wallet, which were two things that had no fans anyway so removing them can’t even be called a positive. Its like wow finally, if only I didn’t start wasting my mountains of plasteel on Ogryn before you decided to do this then everyone could have truly shared in his bounty. But like all changes to the game you get absolutely no indication its coming until it does. This is why I haven’t scrapped anything still - I was able to make dozens of 200+ score curios because I refuse to believe dockets alone will be the only scrapping solution forever. Maybe there will be a mountain of materials infusion from all this craft-scrap could-be trash but I am not giving up on locks. Let Fat Shark store my mountains of digital data while they decide what they want to do with it, if they aren’t going to tell me.

And yeah you should be able to gradually dump mats to improve base scores in anything, like why block players out of using an item in a system where there is literally only RNG and real time passing to them appearing? It makes seeing those really great bars getting absolutely gutted by Hadron even more irritating. Like I used to not play classes for weeks because of how annoying wasting materials and then being expected to hop back into the grind wheel using the same weapons was. Do something about it already, its so tiring to see literally every other player come to unanimous could end world conflict harmony over this being a terrible component of the game that stifles how you interact with it yet they just ham on about it being ‘integral’ to the game without telling us what that design actually is. Its all a cop out. Get rid of them.


Big agree on this thread. I’d add that resource acquisition rate is still ass unless you’re speed running low int damnation over and over or something.

I know some people find this take heresy but I genuinely don’t care that much about locks even in our current state of the game. Let me combine duplicate lower tier blessings to create their higher tier version and for Emperor’s sake give us some crafting mats back when we trash an item Hadron popped a squat on. A base amount of plasteel for mission completion additional to what you picked up, diamante to plasteel conversion, and better quickplay modifiers would be welcome too, though not saying they’d need to do all those things, just some combo of them.

But yeah if building blessing library and plasteel acquisition was improved I genuinely would not give a single sh!t about locks still being around. The improvements this patch, especially with the removal of siloing, perk selection, reasonable curios, and having the option to forsake perks for double correct blessings has gotten the system to basically tolerable levels for me as is.

Edit: Oh yeah brunt needs to be made less ass too please FS.


Item acquisition still feels bad. All methods of item acquisition are too random and there’s no real way to do anything to actively improve or target loot for 3/4s of the systems available (Brunt’s, Armoury, Melk’s, Emperor’s Gift).

Even though the Emperor’s gift ostensibly improves the loot quality with difficulty, modifiers or secondaries, there’s not enough feedback for that to get past the feeling of a total RNG crapshoot (which it still is).


Emperor’s give us everything that is throw away by its soldiers… must be that, or a bad joke from him.


The change to locks was placebo at best for weapons, but an actual improvement for curios.

It’s still a total toss-up of rolling the slots and hoping that 2 out of the 4 possible slots on a weapon are the ones I want, so that I can safely change the other 2.

You can still roll 2 suboptimal blessings and 2 suboptimal perks. The likelihood is extremely high.

That being said, the blessings themselves wouldn’t be a problem if the vast majority of them weren’t copy-pasted between weapons. So many of them do next to nothing. Pinpointing Target IV on my Grenadier Gauntlet, which is supposed to give me +60% Power on melee hits after 3 stacks (1 stack per second (it’s Thrust but with a new name)), gives me 40 more damage on my charged melee strikes.

There’s a lot more examples. They’ll buff Headtaker on the Heavy Sword to be broken but leave all these other garbage blessings untouched. It’s really frustrating.


I think that in Melk’s mistery acquisition there should be a Blessing one too. 1 for Ranged weapons and 1 for melee weapon that will unlock a new blessing for a random weapon.

At first it would be quite useless but it would let you hunt the lasts of the blessings


i do believe that whole melk rngness needs rework.

TL;DR: the more you play, the more agency of what melk has in store you have. more play = more reward, not punishment and disappointment we get now

  1. there should be guaranteed 370+ weapon, with t4/t3 combination each day to make it anywhere appealing.

  2. after completing the weekly quest you should be able to prioritize with melk which weapon are you seeking. this would guarantee that this weapon shows up.

  3. the quests at melk should be progressive, having 3 tiers milestones, that would mean that you get only payout for tier milestones you completed, playing more would then be rewarded, as t3 quests take significantly more reward than t1s. now we are having quests locked at given tier and playing more does not give any benefit

  4. the bonus for completing all/weekly t1, t2 and t3 should be progressive as well. to make finishing quests more appealing, weekly completition of t3 should allow you to prioritize melk weapons (ie. chose blessing you want, or perks you want)


Should be similar to contracts in V1, will be much better if player could pin 1-3 items and they will not be rerolled.

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This is something we have been asking for since march or even earlier.


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