[It's Been Fun] Failed To Compress consistent crash

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if this mostly happens with the 13700K/14700K and 13900K/14900K like the support website indicates and nothing else works then your CPU could be failing. They pull too much voltage and start to fry themselves which means you’ll probably start to get issues in other games as well. Despite being a CPU issue it sometimes manifests as a GPU error of some kind such as an issue with video memory. Intel has a BIOS mitigation that motherboard manufactures are rolling out but it only prevents CPU degradation from starting and it won’t save a CPU that’s already effected. In the mean time they’ve extended their warranty 2 years to get a replacement. Play something else for a while, preferably something that’s hard on the CPU or has a long shader compilation process in the beginning. If that starts to crash too then you’ll know.

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