While I’d love to have a resource sink for my thousands of Scrap and hundreds of dusts, this isn’t the way to do it. As you admit yourself, it’s blatant power creep, and there’s been enough concerns about that already with turning things more reliable in the game (allowing for more consistent dodging, for example) and with the latest set of weapons.
It matters, a lot in fact. I, along with others, have raised my concerns about the promised new difficulty and raised level cap. If the latter adds more Hero Power, it makes the earlier difficulties (particularly Legend) even easier than they are now, and will probably effectively make the new difficulty feel the same as Legend is now (depending how it’s actually done, of course). Your “infusions” would have a lot of the same effect, and as people already have way more resources saved then I do, including possibly 100+ Bright Dust and saved chests, they could (and would) jump in power immediately. Also, even a 1% increase in, say, any Power Vs. Property could allow reaching new breakpoints, which in turn could effectively double the power in the particular situation, if that breakpoint is for 1-hit kill.
No, it isn’t. While it does make tho lower-end content easier, it’s a reward for grinding, not mastering anything. I also don’t feel any particular reason to make old content any easier, especially because people have actually asked for FS to add more difficult stuff. It won’t be any easier for the people that would need that ease, anyway.
It’s never inconsequential. There are already a few breakpoints in the game that require playing off the synergies in how Properties stack, and that’s only worth a couple of percents at nest. Also things like making dodging more reliable for everyone, while seemingly a small change worthy of one line in patch notes, has made some aspects of the game a lot easier. Everything affects game balance. Besides, if WoM will have some sort of leaderboards, everyone will need to be on the same starting line for it to be fair in any way. With your suggestion, the people who have played for a long time already would have a huge edge beyond even the simple experience and skill, and one that wouldn’t be going away at any point. It would be bad design from the start. This isn’t Diablo. And don’t say “it could be disabled for that”, as making a new system that needs to be disabled for a gamemode isn’t a good idea either. It would effectively say “we did all this work for a new system, but it creates imbalance and we knew it already”.
I remeber starting from nothing in VT1, climbing my way there up the difficulties, to still losing my first run in VT2, to making the jump to Champion and then Legend, and now I’ve been playing Twitch Deeds and hypertwitch. How’s that for progression? By looking back what you’ve struggled through you can appreciate what you’ve learned, and your own skills improving is really the most significant progression in this game. It was nice to have some sort of power curve so that I didn’t need to learn everything at once, but my own skills improving is what has gotten me to the level I’m at, and it makes me feel a lot more awesome that getting to grind for another small increment to my character’s damage.
I also happen to think that power progression that is uncapped, or with an arbitrarily high cap, will end up being a crutch, as it has in many other games. Why try to improve my skills when I can just grind for a while and gain an edge that way? This also reminds me of what I dislike about certain kinds of bragging rights rewards in games… “To get this ultimately powerful weapon, you need to prove that you don’t need it.” Cosmetic bragging rights rewards are okay; that kind isn’t in my book.