It would be very handy to be able to sell a weapon in Brunt's Armoury

Since getting the ideal weapon for endgame often comes down to mass spamming in Brunt’s armoury, it would be handy to be able to press a button to sell the item just crafted rather than let it go to the iventory so we don’t have to mass spam create dozens and dozens of the weapon and then have to go to the inventory and sit there selling them all after.

I will be the guy to say, “There’s a mod for that!”

Hopefully you’re not on Xbox.

There are lots of different ways you can go around it. Currently I have it set up where I buy in batches of 10 and immediately dismantle anything that is below a 350 rating (some people have it set up to dismantle below 370 but that damages my sanity too much).

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