Ive noticed the bolt pistol does one thing really well:
Stagger pockets of humanoids. Even ragers. If youre changing back and forth between melee and ranged, this can be great for closing ground especially sprinting and shooting.
For a damage weapon, i would pick other things. But for aquick stun by shooying at feet, its pretty effective at interrupting shooters of all kinds, maulers and ragers. Haven’t yet tested it on nurgle blessing units.
Where I found its best use was with scrier’s gaze psyker with a dsIV where I needed to CC some things that were in my face so I could switch and headshot them in the head where my dsIV could not stagger them enough.
When I played with Psykers in Gladius and Inquisitor, the bolt pistol didn’t seem that hawt. But, perhaps I’m missing something.
Damage is the ideal way to go. For me, I find more fun in finding creative ways to control the field. Stagger weapons such as with the bolt pistol, was one of them. Other stagger weapons do more damage (or do they, Trauma staff? the numbers are close at least, I think.) so they should at least be on par with that.
Public Enemy No. 1, I would say that Bolt Pistol in its current form only better at being pocket staggering tool, which doesn’t make much sense for the BOLT PISTOL
Why would future super weapons be used as literal FART gun that just staggers enemies for a second.
Also, why does it have such bad handling?
Does it compensates these super FARTS?
Well, jokes aside, Bolt Pistol right now should be used for some stagger and suppression of ranged dudes, you are right that’s what I am saying.
Also, I want to say that your post can be read as “Bolt Pistol is good in its current form, and should not be changed” and not as “I think the best use for Bolt Pistol right now is being used as pocket stagger”
I agree that killing a things is always the goal, but situations are quite common where CC-ing a lot of things all at once leads to a better outcome than allowing those things to act unhindered while you kill them over time. That’s the entire premise behind smite, and smite is arguably one of the best run-savers in the game.
Fortunately I used filthy wiggle words like “almost always” and “efficiently” so i can agree with you while still being right! My devilish mastery of hedged language wins another battle.
And i think thats a great way to play. But I was responding to the title question of this thread most of all. So while you may get value out of the BP in its current state, and thats great, i still think the BP is in a bad state.
Dunno about misunderstood but the blessing that increases crit headshots by 100% is insanely good for veteran sharpshooters.
They just need to fix the damn jumpy ADS sway, the same bug the bolter has had since launch.
Could also use some better iron sights, they seem to be scaled similarly to the bolter sights, but you hold them much further away from your face, so the sight picture is cramped.
Oh good, it staggers. Problem is, we need them dead, not staggered, especially on Aurics, where the conveyor belt of specials and elites pretty much never stops.
It’s from the Zarona revolver levels of OP, but I really enjoy it. It allows me to dodge and weave between melee and range with the weapon specialist. Puncture seems the way to go, combos with frag nades quite well. You have to be patient when aiming (I rarely use the sights) and firing with it if you want to land your shots. It’s a great anti-special / anti-light elites weapon. I love the rhytm you can build up with it.
You can’t kill them with your sword if they’re busy shooting you/hitting you. It’s a complimentary weapon, at least as far as what I’ve been able to get out of it that other weapons can’t do as quickly.
It doesn’t make the ragers fall over. At least, not like the way a trauma staff would.
Why do ya gotta bring Star Wars into this? How’s that relevant?
I haven’t tried the bolt pistol yet. If stagger is the main draw idk… Ill give it a go but, I can just shout on CD. Should I be using a different build for the gun?
Have players been having success, is there a mulitplying stagger build to effiecntly kill things with, maybe the stagger will pair well with the weapon swap build…
Sorry since Im Ogryn main… can the bolt pistol be used with zealot?