Is the bolt pistol just misunderstood?

But dont you already oneshot everything on headshot? Whats the value add?

its not easy to get a oneshot on damnation, even with superiority complex, at least with what i run

this bing said i would never run surgical, or the 100% crit weakspot damage one, out of principle, it promotes inaction

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Bit better damage on Mutants, crushers and reapers. 100% weakspot damage on crit is a trap.

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I sort of got it to work focusing on crits and with deadshot and target down to get your stamina back.
I also put some extra stamina on the weapon +5 crit chance and surgical. Still havenā€™t got the puncture blessing so I use the proximity explosion blessing which is kinda nice in a horde tbh it can help to create some space in a clutch.
Anyway you crit a lot this way so one shotting specials is actually doable. And even crusher and maulers can be taken down rather easy.
But the hit rng and the overtuned recoil can make it a very frustrating weapon too. It sometimes just refuses to hit anything it seems.
And they need to fix this imo.


Iā€™ve been a beast with the Bolt Pistol on my Zealot, Vet and Psyker to the point that teammates were thanking me. My #1 BP build has Lethal Proximity and Puncture, IT KEELS! (Zealot and Psyker benefit most from this build)

other build that works great is Surgical and Puncture to focus fire ADS on targets, great for Vet

Iā€™ve been using Lethal Proximity and Puncture as well. If only the bolts applied their bleed to the entire explosion radius.


Agreed, there deserves to be that in the proc, yet that explosive radius +25% is amazing when seeing it from high ground 5 to 9 meters range as a horde of poxwalkers and groaners turn into a giant tomato juice balloon burst


Oh it does enough dmg, just needs to be blessed and used right.

I definitely think a lot of people are misunderstanding it as you said. Mostly bc they just canā€™t stop comparing it to revolvers, bolters, even laspistols, instead of understanding that the bolt pistol is its own thing. You canā€™t compare it 1-to-1 to anything else.

I mean obviously the weapon is too new so itā€™s hard to tell whether it needs buffs or not as a whole. But at least with Puncture & Lethal Proximity if used right itā€™s really strong and crazy fun. Rather than dealing a lot of direct dmg like other weapons do, its dmg comes through the spread of AoE (which above all does a ton of CC), and the delayed bleeds. So using it well means putting the AoEā€™s where they count, learning the breakpoints for the bleed stacks on body vs. weakspots. Keeping the bleeds stacked on monsters, etc.

It also has that super trash ironsight aim that much like with the bolter doesnā€™t actually point to where the gun is shooting at unless youā€™re standing still with no recoil. Its hipshots are amazing and ridiculously fast for snapshotting between melee & slides, but they donā€™t always hit anywhere near the reticle as theyā€™re supposed to either.

So I do feel like it needs some work, but not that much: Buff the other blessings, increase the dmg radius of explosions (not just CC), fix the hip shot reticle per the latest patch notes. But considering how pog the gun already is when you use it well, thereā€™s a real chance buffing it too much would make it OP in the right hands.

It reminds me a lot of the shotties actually. Most ppl consider shotguns mid to trash and even the ā€˜metaā€™ blessings are just comically wrong. Meanwhile a Scattershot & Man-Stopper Kantrael is borderline broken OP for up to mid ranges, and same blessings on an Agripinaa vet with a full finesse build will be doing more dmg than plasma with none of its downsides.

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why shouldnā€™t we, dps is the most important thing, iā€™m not fine that revolvers and laspistols that can be found in underhive dumpster bins outdps the bolt pistol, its just not right

bolt pistol is good dont get me wrong, its the rest that should be tuned down to open beta state

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You think the pick axes and the Double shotty is bad? O.o?

Oh I donā€™t disagree, revolvers & knives both need to be toned down.

But my point was that Darktide is nowhere near so simple as raw dmg per shot, which revolvers specialize in. As long as the bolt pistol has 50% bigger mag, 50% more ammo, 50% faster reload speed, bleed & AoE CC, it can never be anywhere near as strong as the revolver. A lot of people just donā€™t seem to get that. For many of the same reasons it can also never have the precision dmg & crit of the laspistol, nvm. the raw burst & armor piercing of the bolter which already pays for its own with insane reload times.

If the bolt pistol were buffed the way most ppl keep demanding, it would result nerfs to all the things that make it special just to keep it balanced. And at that point why even have the gun at all when others like that already exist?

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yes, i agree with this, as i said bolt pistol is a good weapon, iā€™m having a blast and i donā€™t even hip shoot

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Hereā€™s what Iā€™m rockin. THe perk was something like 10% elites and perk one was ā€¦ Canā€™t remember. Not puncture.

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my bad, thought the .gif would load, naked gun scene the current supressing mechanism reminds me of :slight_smile:

The value add is on elites and specials because it almost doubles your damage per-shot. You can single crit headshot almost any elite and special, those you canā€™t like reapers and crushers are reduced to 3-4 shots. Considering you only have eight shots per magazine thatā€™s huge.

I dunno about other classes but sharpshooter veterans synergize with it a lot because we have multiple crit-boosting options and talents for further headshot and crit damage.

Itā€™s not as bad as people make it out to be, but it should be better damage wise imo.

100% Agreement on your balance suggestions btw.

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This one is a beast! I have one like it and it is the best! Its not easy attaining one like this either

Iā€™ve always said that ā€œdeath is the best status effect you can inflictā€ - no matter what kind of debuffs or defenses you can apply to mitigate enemies, the only 100% effective, permanent kind of mitigation will be killing the enemy outright.


Iā€™m just saddened by the damn thing. I want to like it, I really do but itā€™s just so mid compared to the revolver which can do anything or the insane ammo and firerate of the laspistols which can proc Infernus like nobodyā€™s business. I donā€™t want the bolt pistol to exist as a utility firearm. It shouldā€™ve been what the revolver is. A killing tool