Is the bolt pistol just misunderstood?

i haven’t gotten to play this much at all since the performance has been absolute ass since the update dropped but i really wanted to use the bolt pistol with my eviscerator.

i’ve come to terms with the fact that no bolter-type weapons will actually be good at killing things but the crowd control aspect seemed like fun in theory lol

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Wouldn’t be quoting him on what’s wrong lol.

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Hi hello opening this thread again to ask:

Has anyone here encountered aiming issues with the bolt pistol? I’m seeing a lot of comments other places about it and a few bug reports.


Certainly, I do. I cannot consistently make headshots inspite of being dead on. I will upload videos soon. This is to say, something feels off, if it’s not the accuracy. Something is causing it to not work in the way we imagine. Can’t place a finger on it. Going for video now…

Here is an example where it’s working as it should, but then it doesn’t. I have the whole clip processing on Youtube right now. Here’s that link…

As I said, it works great for staggering enemies and suppression, but I wouldn’t use it for bullseying targets. THe damage is just too far removed from what the revolver can do. If I wanna bullseye, I’d use the revolver over the Bolt Pistol 10/10 times.

EDIT: Actually, if you slow the video down to a crawl, you’ll see that at 3:25 I have the trapper dead to rights, and the bullet just doesn’t register for some reason.


often the sights are clearly out of alignment after a short time of firing. I have not taken a video, but I am sure of it.
If this is not the intention, it is definitely a bug.


@FatsharkStrawHat this should help clear it up. I even made it slow mo for that dramatic effect.

The issue is essentially that beyond the actual recoil of the weapon, there is a strange and inconsistent twitching that happens as well. Because this is inconsistent and unpredictable, it repeatedly messes with your ability to land recurrent hits through no fault of your own.


Thank you for sending this, it’s very helpful to show the team :pray: Let me see what we can do


Also thank you for all this information!! :pray: Y’all are appreciated


Don’t have video evidence but both bolt pistol and bolter have some of the jankiest ADS imaginable, to say nothing of the hip fire. I don’t know if it’s bugged, or if it’s intentional, but it severely handicaps the weapons. Even on a Deadshot vet with recoil reduction the jank is felt.

If they could consistently kill elites quickly on body shots it’d be one thing, but I can’t really pull it together to do enough damage on Damnation from my feeling. It’s very headshot reliant and also janky on said headshots, and without enough crowd control to justify it’s weaknesses compared to the ability of the revolver to just delete stuff.


The sights obviously misalign after firing. Recoil and screen shake is one thing, but when accurate shots start to require ignoring sights and instead focus on what is “centre of the screen” then you know its bad.


In the spirit of clear and constructive feedback, here’s what I’d like to see changed on both bolt weapons:

  • Get rid of the twitching.
  • Rework recoil to be powerful but consistent so the player can actually learn how to work around it using skill instead of being victim to the current randomness of it.
  • Limb shots on unarmored, regular enemies (poxwalkers, groaners, scab bruisers and shooters etc) need to result in instant dismemberment and death consistently and without buffs. Poxwalkers/groaners especially walking off any kind of bolt round is egregious.
  • Hip fire accuracy on the bolt pistol needs to be improved slightly. The thing misses at incredibly close range for no real reason.
  • The bolt pistols actual ADS recoil I’d say is too strong as well and could do with a slight reduction. The point has been made before but right now it’s just a much worse zarona revolver. If the BP is going to compete in any meaningful way, it needs to be at least close to as accurate as the zarona.

The Mk2 Lucius has the same sight sway as either bolt weapon but almost none of the shot confirmation issues. I think its all in the recoil.


Yes. I’m a massive fan of the bolt pistol but there’s definitely something super wonky going on with its recoil. (Edit: This is mostly from hip shot PoV btw).

At no recoil the gun works perfectly, you can quickswap & hipfire in mid-slide and hit targets up to long mid range every time. But the more recoil you have, the more unpredictable those shots become.

It’s not just that they don’t fit inside the reticle area like that patch a while back was supposed to fix. The higher that recoil, the higher the chance of your shots missing by completely ridiculous margins or even to seemingly just disappear into the void. At worst you get stuff like Lethal Proximity vs. a sea of hordes or against a crusher in point blank range so it literally fills up your screen, yet you hit nothing but air.

Sometimes it even feels like the bug/feature somehow lags behind the recoil. So even when you deliberately change to melee for a few swings to avoid it, then switch back when the reticle is already almost back to normal, you still miss the next shot even tho the reticle could’ve fit 3x inside that rager chest you were aiming at.

It’s honestly the single biggest problem the bolt pistol has rn imo.

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I’d like to repeat that sudden jarring jerky camera movements are not easy on the senses, and this is on QD-OLED with true near-insta pixel response.


for a pistol i tought it would have more ammo to be honest.


I mean… Very few people would argue that the revolver is too weak.

The bolt pistol has 8/80 vs 5/52 ammo over the revolver. So 60% larger clip - which it reloads about 50% faster -, along with 54% more reserve. So the bolt pistol gets almost 2.5x more ammo per second spent on reloading.

But if we just stick to the economy of it, with Deadly Accurate the bolt pistol does about the same crit weakspot dmg as the revolver (except for carapace). With Puncture you can do ~30k dmg to a boss with ~2 clips over a typical fight, spending most of that time doing whatever else while the bleeds keep ticking. Or just do a few hip shots to specials or elites for the same effect.

It’s one of the most ammo economic guns in the game if used well, especially considering its power.


Man, I like that “you don’t get it” narrative when defending objectively underperforming or broken gear (in case of BP – both).

Kinda reminds me of Helldivers 2 community who defended armor which passive didn’t work at all or Tenderizer Assault Rifle which had wrong stats and was basically a downgrade to a starting weapon. You just don’t get it, guys.

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