The bolt pistol might just be the worst weapon in the game

Who designed this weapon and thought that it would be remotely interesting in the current meta of the game ?

It’s slow like the regular bolter, has a pitiful mag, has a sway that makes it extremely unreliable as a mid range weapon, has a fire rate so slow that you might as well just fall asleep between each shot and to top it all it deals absolutely no damage and has a comically useless explosion gimmick compared to the revolver, the other anti elite pistol option.

Why would anyone want to play that, you can’t even use it alongside a melee weapon like you see in every other 40k related media, it’s just a worse version of the bolter which is already a very underwhelming weapon


Running it thru the Psykanium rq, its niche seems to be midrange shooter one-shotting. It almost two-taps gunners.

Also kinda mad because it’s a ‘new’ weapon type, so zero blessing unlocks. I am not spending f*cktons of plasteel on grinding it out.


The “ranged hits apply 4 stacks of bleed” blessing looks quite promising (just going by the description).

The fire rate is a bit too slow to make it viable as a damage dealer alone but I could see a knife zealot comboing it with Mercy Killer for weakspot kills at less risk. Open fire when you’re closing the distance, stagger them with the explosions, and knife em when they’re downed.


The weird inaccuracy of the bolt pistol kinda ruins the otherwise nice feedback and visual and sound design.


The bolt pistol has the same “jumpy ADS” problem as the bolter, but even worse. They really need to fix that. I don’t mind scope swaying but the bolter should never “jump” from one position to another unless it’s because of recoil.


FYI it only counts direct hits not the explosion damage. So you can still only apply bleed to a single target.

Really? My Zealot top-fragged with it on Damnation three times in a row…

Although, to be fair, it was a REALLY good roll.
(80% damage, 76% mobility, surgical 3, deadly accurate 4, etc.)

My experience? It’s got 8/80 ammo capacity (as opposed to Zarona Revolver’s 5/52) and does virtually everything Zarona Revolver does but with added AoE and a significantly faster reload time.

I like it a lot but if y’all want buffs… that’s certainly alright with me!

Edit: I found the two things Zarona Revolver still does better:

  • Penetration
  • Recoil

Yeah, im not impressed with it. The pickaxes are amazing though

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I don’t mind scope swaying but the bolter should never “jump” from one position to another unless it’s because of recoil.

absolutely yes someone hire this man. how is this not common sense? who cares about realism when it makes things too unreliable to use


Does the bullet explode immediately out of the chamber or does it have some arming distance similar to the boltgun?

Unless you use the blessing that causes your bullets to explode at any distance, they will have a delay on their explosive.

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there is worse than boltpistol. Shredder autopistol post pinning fire nerf is pure garbage. Noone takes it.

Boltpistol suffer from the accuracy that is really too bad. It feels like a revolver agripinaa.
Other than that… the gun is ok.

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Careful when comparing the bolt pistol to the Zarona. There was a recent thread complaining that thunder hammers were too weak because ogryn shovels could one tap tight groups of crushers, with video evidence.

And now BM has been patched to not affect ogryn targets. The imbalance has been corrected but I’m not sure the hammer fans understood the consequences of their actions.

I haven’t had the time to use the BP in a mission. I want it to be good. Hopefully it will have a clear niche or get buffed if it hasn’t.

I didn’t expect this to be a hot take but that BM change was the single blessing change that made the most sense to me. I kinda doubt anyone who complained about that interaction is sad to see it go. BM still does what it’s meant to and dramatically improves horde clear with a nice weak point damage up as a bonus.

Them not buffing Hammer this patch is another matter entirely.


You’re naive if you think that was because of the hammer. The reason BM got nerfed on folding shovels was to give pickaxe a reason to exist. Otherwise it would have done everything the pickaxe does but better. Why take pickaxe with great overhead crusher damage but no BM if the folding shovel with BM can potentially onetap 3-4 crushers at once?

Generally if you want people to try the new weapons and like them you have to make them meta in some form or sense. This is basic loot treadmill 101

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