For the love of the EMPEROR fix the bolt pistol

I really, really, really, want to like the bolt pistol but I don’t, I hate it. It sounds good, it feels good, and it looks good, but its damage is terrible, the iron sights are nearly useless and more importantly THE SLIGHT ANGLE OF THE SIGHTS DRIVES ME INSANE ON MULTIPLE LEVELS!!! That slight angle throws off your aim terribly!!! Also, the sights sucking isn’t the only problem the angle of the gun does weird stuff to my sense of depth perception and prolonged use is literally giving me a headache. As in I need to take Tylenol headache, I shouldn’t have to take pain killers to use a specific weapon in a video game.

Edits: Fixing typos and adding a few more details to make my point clearer because I’m OCD XD Also Fixed the misspelling of Emperor and capitalized it. I swear I only committed light heresy with Yirielet at best I promise I’m a servant of the throne!


Yeah the sights are garbaggio. I literally have enemies locked in for a headshot (or so I think) and the shot completely misses 5/10 times. Only with the bolt pistol, I might add. And I have the skin with the candle flame for sights :sob:


reduce all recoil from boltgun/bolter they fire mini rpgs not 50cal rounds they should not have the recoil of a high caliber gun but a guided missile.


It should have some feelable kick because otherwise when it hits it wouldn’t feel realistic. The problem is not only does it kick too hard but the damage doesn’t back it up you feel like you’re shooting 50cal. but they hit like they’re 9mm. From a lore perspective if a bolt pistol shoots a limb on a person that limb is gone, I’ve hit dregs in limbs many times and they shrug it off like it’s a low call autogun hit.


I’m working with the base skin which feels like I just have a slim brick for a sight.


Not related to the ironsight but maybe to the explosion or aoe damage effect.
It seems that a lot of headshots are registered as body shots.

I would advice you to aim at top of the head (and yes, this makes things A LOT harder)


You can literally see the gun expelling bullet casings, meaning the explosion of propellant is happening inside the barrel, thus creating recoil.
To have no recoil boltgun would have to fire far far slower so that the propulsion can happen outside the gun, otherwise the “bullets” would hit eachother and explode in your face

If you’d see any boltgun without recoil, that means you’re in the warp.

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I just came in to say that there is likely a heresy charge associated with mispelling “emperor”


For me its working 9/10 times, sorry you are having trouble with it! We can only hope that eventually they offer a scope or scope/sight variant options. I use mine at mid-range most of the time, it compliments melee, also has been my go to that has taken down crushers in same amount of shots as revolver.

in close range its no issue. the problem is its trying to be a versatile weapon to attone for some of its jank. and that versatility is in long range, where the current bug affecting both bolters (recoil applying before the shot is generated) is far worse on the bolt pistol because the recoil/reset is worse.

if they fixed that I’d promote it to my tier of mostly decent.


I just aim for center mass and get just as effective kills as a headshot (plus that signature Bolt weapon effect of targets bursting like balloons lol)

Its reasons I noticed that a Bolt Pistol is good for mid/near to close range. Sure reduces melee targets when charging in, and also to get those pesky gunners, shooters, some specialists and maniacs in between melee. Also still helps me take down Crushers, Maulers, and Ragers if not soften them up for the final strikedown. Boltgun at long to mid range has helped me many times against Elites, clearing them 90% of the time (since 10% of the time is my varied skill deficiency combined by panick at an Elites wave lol)

Alot of the “jank” had been worked out through trial and error in Psykhanium practices and gameplay

Good chunk of weapons in Darktide sure do test the mettle and skill of players lol

Oh crap you’re right please don’t call the inquisition I promise I’ll fix it right now and spell it in all caps!

the “shell” is just a protective cover for the mini jet engine

I need you to think really hard, like use all the gray matter you can muster to imagine what is happening inside the gun when a user presses the trigger.
It really isnt that hard, just give it a few minutes and maybe you’ll figure it out.
And if you still cant, say so and im sure someone will try to explain it to you in detail.

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Oh, God Emperor, Father of all Mankind - give me patience. I’m not asking for strength, otherwise I will krump, all of those heretics…
Oh, Omnissiah, give me wisdom to explain those foreign to your ways Holy concept of the Boltgun, the Holy Wrath of Your Avatar in the Materium.

Holy Boltgun fires Bolts, which use two-stage ignition:
One charge contained in outer casing (so similar to our well known primitive autoguns and slug throwers) pushes the Bolt through the barrel and serves as delay to the ignition of the second stage charge inside the Bolt. Second stage charge ignites approximately upon leaving the barrel sending it on a merry way to explode inside xeno, witch, heretic or other enemy of Mankind.
Boltgun will always have recoil, unless warp shenanigans occur (Legion of the Damned).

Got that, you karking per-servitors?!


Be civil.
“”The rocket-propellant is carefully fused to ignite just after leaving the barrel, alleviating any possibility of pressure build-up.

The bolt then accelerates away towards the target under its own power. Standard Bolter ammunition is designed to penetrate the target and then detonate, causing immense damage and leaving little opportunity for survival.””
again they are not bullets.

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How exactly was i not civil?
I gave you the opportunity to come up with the solution yourself. I even said you would be able to figure it out by yourself within minutes.
You had the opportunity to showcase that you actually are intelligent. But no… Had to disregard my advice and dug yourself even deeper.

Thankfully for you Lt.DavinFelth already absolutely beautifully explained how the boltgun works so just read that.

Please imagine “I need you to think really hard, like use all the gray matter you can muster to imagine what is happening inside the gun when a user presses the trigger.” as an apple and rotate it into your mind then consider how it could be impolite.
the bolter does not fire bullets it fires mini rpgs the recoil it has has no business being as high at it is because the thrust generated by the projectile comes from a jet engine not an explosion.
the mentioned primary explosions just sheds off the protective casing it does not generate the velocity.

Do you know whats the difference between someone dumb and smart?
The smart person will admit they are wrong. It is not shameful to be wrong about something. actually after being provided proof that one is wrong it is a sign of great intelligence to admit it (and it is never too late).
Lately on the internet most people are hellbent on never giving in. I have no idea how this trend started that “wrong = bad” but its completely false. As far as i remember, it wasnt always like this. its pretty sad how dumbified the internet population has become.
Again, being wrong and admitting it is a sign of growth, be proud of it, not ashamed.

Now with this in mind, read my explanation and carefully consider the words within and your next move.

First thing’s first. What exactly is recoil?
Recoil happens because when a normal gun fires (that’s chemically propelled), the trigger hits the bullet, and the gunpoweder inside the bullet ignites creating an explosion. An explosion sends an equal force in every direction, thus propelling the bullet forward and the gun backwards. The force sending the gun backwards is what you feel as recoil.
Thus the bigger the bullet the more gunpowder needed the bigger the explosion the stronger the recoil

Now here’s another important note : EVERY single chemical propulsion is nothing more then a glorified explosion. It doesnt matter what it is, if its liquid helium inside a rocket, or gunpowder inside your bullet, or promethium inside the jet of your valkarie (40k only, prometheum doesnt exist in real life… yet) All of it, is a controlled explosion

Now in order for a gun like the boltgun to actually work, you need to do 1 of 3 things.

Scenario 1 : you make the bullets start their ignition inside the barrel, this results in slower rate of fire, because jet explosion is weaker then that of gunpowder ), it needs to wind up (Aka bullets leave the barrel slower). It is a weaker explosion but absolutely perfect for a constant thrust.

The bad side : due to the rocket staying longer in the barrel, it exerts too much heat on the gun, thus resulting in higher degradation of the barrel (and god forbid, heating up of the magazine resulting in you losing your arms)
also slower rate of fire.

Scenario 2 :
Make the gun expel the bullets with a spring (primitive and dumb sounding but it would work).
But again slow rate of fire because the bullets (or rockets, however you want to call them) need time to wind up and build up speed due to the weaker explosion a jet produces.
If you would fire the gun like this at the rate of fire of a normal boltgun, the bullets would hit eachother. But hey! At least this way you would literally have 0 recoil Yay for you!

Bad side : slow rate of fire and the more talented xenos will literally be able to see the bullets leaving the gun and starting to head in their direction which will mean they will dodge it.
Basically you will never be able to hit any Drucchi or Aeldari .

Scenario 3 :
(Now this is what the imperium chose)
We want high rate of fire, high velocity and deadly power. The only way to achieve this with your mini rockets is to encase them inside a normal bullet and give it the best of both worlds and make it first use gunpowder (or whatever magic powder the imperium uses) and then prometheum propulsion (or whatever magic liquid is inside those things).
First you trigger a gunpowder explosion, granting it 100% speed from the very first ignition and making you feel the might of the imperium of man in your arm as recoil, the now empty bullet cartridge that held the gunpowder and the rocket leaves the gun from the side, meanwhile the rocket leaves from the front of the barrel and ignites its fuel source at full speed increasing it to 150% and never slowing down now able to reach even the furthest of foes (as long as the rocket still has remaining fuel).
Immediately after the first cartridge and rocket leaves the gun, the boltgun can reload a 2nd bullet and fire that one off immediately giving you the ability to shower your foes with the might of the imperium of man.

If you want to see how fast a jet propulsion is alone without a gunpowder to give it the first kick, go to youtube and look up any rocket videos.

Now is that clear enough for you now?
And anyone else reading did i make any mistakes here? I couldnt possibly care less about guns, i just used logic and my knowledge of physics.