For the love of the EMPEROR fix the bolt pistol

Aside from all the (theoretical) gun science in here, as far as I remember it is clearly stated that Bolt-Weapons do have recoil.
Some such a harsh recoil that firing them unaded by Powerarmor or being a genetically enhanced transhuman, they would rip off your arms. That’s stated in many different parts of the source material of the universe we’re fighting in …


the 0:40-0:45 is a mood lmao


This is true though the bolt pistol in this case would have recoil but it wouldn’t hurt the weilder unless they did something stupid. The bolters capable of the damage you’re talking about would be from a normal person using a space marine bolter. When you’re using the boltgun (Not the bolt pistol bolt gun) to you that’s a grenade launcher but the reason it’s grip has a pistol handle is because to you it’s a grenade launcher to a space marine it’s a side arm. Thats what the Astaries use for pistols.

My problem from a gameplay perspective is primarily the sights and I do want it to have decent kick because otherwise the gun doesn’t feel powerful when you fire it but I think the kick as of now is a bit too much.

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This was meant to be a discussion thread and now it’s becoming a flame war XD

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That’s why I referred to some patterns.
There are Boltguns designed for baseline unaugmented humans (which are the ones we use).
I just wanted to point out, that from a lore perspective boltguns DO have recoil and that this may be very extreme in the case of Astartes Bolt weapons.

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Problem with the bolt pistol is its lack of penetration. As such its basically a sidegrade to the revovler at best, and most of the time significantly worse. Veteran can patch up most of the missed breakpoints, but i find the weapon to be garbage on zealot. The ads is kinda trashy, but i find its alot better than the boltgun. Higher damage wouldnt be unwarranted, but higher penetration would help alot. The low pen makes killing a flamer or a trapper mid horde stressful.


This is a smart solution to making its damage feel more lore accurate! I like the way you think I bet that would work great!

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Idk how people have a hard time with Bolt Pistol, yet here I am karkin fraggin karkers with Veteran, Zealot and Psyker with no troubles lol

Puncture with

-Surgical for ADS crits and you can’t miss on Ogryns and Monstrosities (Veterans ideal for this or even the “knife zealot” that decides to substitute out revolver for BP)

-Lethal Proximity for being able to increase the close range kill abilities (on my zealot this is my go to)

-Deadly Accurate (seems only good with crit gunker)

I’m getting better performance the more familiar I get with it, but I still think it needs a (mild) damage buff, and I still hate the slight tilt of the sights with a passion. I hate, hate, hate it and as I said prolonged use messes with my eyes and gives me a headache because of weird tilt. I don’t want to have to take Tylenol to use the bolt pistol more than 3 matches in a row without getting a headache


As we get closer to crafting rework release, I am seriously now wanting to see them actually offer an in-game lore-accurate (or lore-friendly) weapons customization to add scopes and befitting stocks. A scope on Bolt Pistol would solve many a players problems in ADS


not really… 50% of headshots are registered as body shots. So a scope won’t change that.

By the way, if you play on PC try FOV mod. You will be able to use it like if there was a scope and see by yourself the problem. Don’t try in psy… try in missions and compare with a zorona revolver.

But I agree that weapon customization would be an excellent addition to the game… but won’t solve the bolt pistol.


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