Is it too late for a healthy base of console players?

It isnt too late, specifically because Xbox players have nothing else like this.

Their version of VT2 is incompatible with PC and features fewer bad guys. L4D2 doesn’t have an active console playerbase. B4B was so mediocre that everyone forgot about it after release. Sea of Thieves is nearly a whole devade old. CoD doesn’t have any modern Zombies releases, Halo: Infinite will never have a Firefight mode, and Redfall is so obviously, criminally, grossly undercooked, abysmally marketed, and so counter to everyone’s expectations and desires that it’s basically flopped on release.

But you’ll still find people playing it because Xbox has nothing good or new for players looking for a solid 1st person, 4P co-op experience. Darktide, once it launches on Xbox, is gonna be pretty big because Microsoft simply can’t help but utterly screw up every release they make, and they aren’t making this one.

Oh I completely understand all of that and this post is not as much a post to get them to speed things up, but just to make them aware that people are not forgetting about the promises made by FatShark. I do not believe we (console players) have been scammed obviously, and honestly it’s more likely that the PC players are gettin scammed with the way crafting and attaining items have gone up to this point. I just think we are seeing the consequences of a dev team that wanted to make the crowds happy with their over ambitious launch date that ended up putting out an unfinished game. Just really frustrated because the game had so much potential, and furthermore had potential to get people involved with the 40k universe and it seems it’s going into the dump.


That is a very good point and what frustrates me about that is that FatShark may be able to enter the console market with this game like none of the mess ups on the PC version happened. Console players I would think do not keep up with the dev process as much as PC players, so I just hope the console players are not naive as to what FatShark can pull on people.

when playing on steam game connects to AWS based servers, which servers are in use when connecting from gamepass/msft store? Azure of AWS?

if thats still AWS then i honestly dont understand why we cannot have crossplay (unless its some legal agrement with MSFT).

if thats Azure, then obviously its some legal agreement is that blocks the crossplay, otherwise why have 2nd set of servers for smaller usebase?

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Potential is still there, I’m just not sure if the playerbase will be there to appreciate it…but then with games being constantly released in early beta stage people just might give Darktide a try in a year or two and the game will have its renaissance.

This “culture” won’t change with software dev in general until the industry is forced to face legal quality requirements. Atm they face “none”, outside contracts signed with clients. We aren’t clients, we are customers and as usual we are treated like sh and often asked to sign off our rights every time we install software.


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