Is it taboo to use plasma in auric

Had some edgy zealot (what’s up with them every time there is snobby player it’s always a zealot never had a problem with people playing pysker or ogryn they’re always chill) get mad at me and refuse to res me (literally telling me they’re leaving me to die for using plasma)

Is it bad or is it one of those things where they get mad at you using something good despite them using powerful strategies and exploits themselves to win like the gas passer in situation in tf2’s man vs machine


No, it is not a taboo or anything.
It is rare to even see people talk anything besides “gg” in the end, well at least it is my experience in the Auric Damnation.

There are just people who don’t like certain things, because “reasons”, like in every game.

Reasons are usually that it is “too strong”, "too easy"or a “crutch”, you know?
The same reasons as for the Gas Passer.

Basicly, these angry people are a rare find (but you may be especially unlucky some day), I myself never encountered those people in my 1000 hour playtime, which is insane.

Ok, conclusion:

  • No it is not a taboo;
  • There is no thing, because there is not reason for it to emerge in the first place;
  • Some people are just that salty;
  • Most of the community are silent;

Good luck out there, and have fun with any weapon you want!


I personally dont like playing with plasma players but i would just leave the match instead of doing all that


Im learning new things today :laughing:


that’s a good idea to do this. (joke)

More seriously, I have never done that. I leave the mission. But, I would never act like that, this is seriously wrong to put the blame on the player instead of the first responsible… Fatshark.

I really hope that the next patch will rebalance things (they change a lot in the blessings).

Not good. OP.


It’s not, but kinda depends. I might get somewhat salty at vet if they use only plasma, even on trash, and run the whole mission in orange ammo reserve while sweeping every single box too (bonus points for getting angry at teammates for picking up ammo he could’ve used for plasma).
But, as Geadly mentioned, people can be weird and get angry at video games for all kinds of silly reasons. Throughout my playtime had someone get angry at me for using combat axe on zealot, for using HS martyr build, even had someone quit instantly because I felt like running with orange title of all things (yes, I know about penance cheesing nontroversy but it’s still wild to see someone ragequit over a title)


Nah it’s not taboo. Some people take build choices much more personally than others. Imo sometimes it’s boring playing with meta users but I get why people enjoy it. More to the point the only time I’ve seen people be especially and persistently vocal about something like this (ingame) was back when the Surge Staff was bugged and you could break the whole game with its damage.


I think when players get to the point where they leave matches because of other players’ builds, it’s time for them to go out and find premades to play in.

I understand why people may leave, but it’s still a bit arseholey to try and dictate what other players should and shouldn’t use. I use knife+pistol on my primary zealot build (since Jan23). It wasn’t always, but it is now meta, and I know people don’t like it and will leave because of it. But I like it, so why am I doing anything wrong? I’m not.



I’d take Plasma vet over useless Knife Zealot or Smite-only Psyker any day to be honest.

And sadly, I run into Plasma vet players very rarely, compared to these two.


I don’t even meta with vet
I just main him and just cycle though builds each day
One day is a recon las build, another is stealth melee hybrid build another plasma


Somehow I was playing with a guy who used voice chat and tried to imitate a mutant sound with some sounds of the game environment… It was an awful experience :slight_smile: Still remember this after many hours I played.
So, these random people in the game can always surprise you

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yah, if your ego gets this hurt this much bc some rando is playing to the meta of the game, then maybe it’s time to go outside for a while


Dw OP, that was just some random toxic egotist.

Yes, some ppl like myself may dislike plasma, smite, maybe to a lesser extent knives etc. bc of how OP they are, and how they undermine the challenge & fun of high end gameplay. But anyone who plays with pubs accepts what comes with it. To expect random people to cater to your personal whims and tastes is beyond idiotic. None of that was your fault in the least.

I just left 2 smyker matches in a row the moment I realized they were hardcore smykers. I don’t usually mind but I have ADD and absolutely abhor boredom, so sometimes I just need that adrenaline. But that was my choice and my problem too, not theirs. If you like plasma, you do plasma. :smiley:

Darktide’s asynchronous balancing is one of its main draws. So many ways to play, so many abilities, weapons, builds etc. to compensate for different kinds of skill or just different tastes in fun. That some of them appeal to opposing types of people is a given. :heart:


I love people like this.
Bit of human connection in a game is great. Especially if they’re trying to make you smile.

Actually… erm, maybe that was me? Sounds like something I’d do :blush:


as main zealot, i love veterans using plasma gun :smiley:
plasma gun good

you probably found just a close minded zealot :frowning_face:


plasma overrated, never used it since patch 14

makes for good roleplayers

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Same! I mean, I rarely ever use VC with pubs since it’s basically never useful. Rarely anything other than hotmic breathers or random misogyny and toxicity. But seeing how little toxicity Darktide had around release, I wanted to try something different here and had it on for quite a while.

And especially the first months after release I met quite a few fun ppl! Stuff like oggies roleplaying the friendly big protective giant that always made me smile, and prolly my favorite was this one person who always played elevator music! :joy: I just couldn’t stop smiling! Every time there was an elevator, we’d get a “ding” and some super cringy classic elevator tunes for the trip. :sweat_smile: I bumped into them randomly every once in a while and they never once failed to play those tunes.

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As long as you’re pulling your weight, people are happy to let you cook with whatever build you’re running, meta or off-meta. The only time I could see someone getting mad enough to yell at you (and I’ve done this myself, unfortunately) is if you keep getting downed a lot, or aren’t doing your job. That Zealot player is just an ass, don’t worry about it.

Personally, I find it a bad sign whenever someone runs 4+ wounds on any character, uses a bolter on Veteran, or is one of the dreaded Smykers.


Personally I just find Plasma to be very dull around. It’s simply too strong, and easy to use compared to every other option in the game, and there’s zero risk as well provided you only hip-fire. The alt/aiming fire is only worth using at the start of an engagement as its ammo value isn’t that good, and you’ll only overheat when using alt fire.

I’ve encountered similarly toxic people when I was working on my stealth penances on zealot, where they proudly said they wouldn’t revive me if I went down.
The funny thing is that both the psyker and ogryn who said this, went down and when they saw that I was the one rescuing them, they quit the match. :rofl: :melting_face:


I’ll tell you what we tell people in the Hunt: Showdown community that whine about shotguns, snipers, or campers.

You don’t owe anyone a playstyle and they don’t owe you one.

They don’t like it? They can just leave, same in reverse. As long as no one is cheating, who gives a crap.