Curious about data

This is a data request @FatsharkStrawHat , I wanna know some things…

You guys have the data, so I just gotta know.

What are the most used weapons by the classes?
What is the average Auric Player’s accuracy?
What is the Auric mission success rate?
What is the most popular maelstrom modifier?
What is the success rate of auric missions based on class?
What is is the auric success rate of teams where no voice chat happens versus when voice chat happens?
What is the most popular helmet?
What is the average level 30’s bank account?
What is the most popular difficulty being played?
What is the most popular blitz for all of the classes?
What percentage of veterans take field improvization?
What is the most popular portrait for level 30’s?

I’m out of questions for now, you guys ask some.


My buddies and I always wonder about this and other related data, like correlations between controller/HW, overlevels etc, gear choices, ratings, modifications etc.



Some of these would be really interesting but even if they capture use of the in-game voice they probably can’t see when a group uses discord (or vent, ts etc)

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I want to ask, do they keep data on how many people rage quit after being nailed in the back by stealthy heavily armoured enemies?

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Yeah… i also wanna know stuff most used personality types, blessing sticker book % of players, blitz/keystone success rates per modifier etc more info pls.

hah, that’s true!

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why does your forum avatar say 12.5 and I personally want to know what the most “successful” blessing combinations are on guns.

I mean, I have a pretty good feel for what the meta is in the game, but i’m still curious.

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Because there wasn’t space for him to write 12.5m. It used to say 8.


You forgot the most important question: which is the most used of the many mission terminals in the Mourningstar?

If they have statistics for that, I will eat my hat.

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given the “data” i collected this weekend alone in public matches, i prefer them f-in up in silence :rofl:

gaming buddy in discord :+1:
some russian “blyat” “pew pew” and munching(?) sounds :-1:


inquiring minds just got ta know

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Turned VOIP back on due to playing a private match with a friend who had discord issues, and forgot to turn it back off afterwards.

Played one round this weekend, and the quote was the soundtrack from an Xbox player for the last 5 minutes, punctuated at the end of round screen by the sound of (no joke) cutlery hitting a plate.

And now ingame VOIP is off again.


I just got flamed by some bozo on VC for deploying a Medipack in the Mercantile Ampitheatre. He’s like “Dude, that’s such a waste of a Medipack!” as if we weren’t literally in the final area of the mission or something. We had a spare anyways…

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there is all sorts of people, but i really don’t want to hear some fat british people noises in my headphones


What if they turn out to be Barry?

That’s Barry.


though, i guess i’ll take the loss then

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by now its a miracle no one reported the odd “rub one out for the emperor”

and i pray to the omnisiah it stays that way :grin:

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What is is the auric success rate of teams where no voice chat happens versus when voice chat happens?

i know you are asking just for the sake of information
but i’d like to open a discussion about this specific thing
that luckily in this type of genre, mic is not required and the teamplay universal

i think whenever i hear people talking it is actually worse for me xD more distractions etc but obviously nothing wrong with people talking in game : )

could be, could be that the sound of my voice is the cause of so many mission failures that I myself cannot comprehend it.

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