Not ebola. Its ebola (real).
Haven’t had much time to play recently, but I did finally get the chance to try the new Ironhelm. On paper I thought having more reliable access to the overheads would be nice until I tried it in-game… Yeah, no. This change needs to be reverted in the next patch for reasons already discussed here. Having access to a sweeping horizontal heavy after the push attack is a must for survivability.
That said, I think having the push attack still chain into the light overhead would be okay. It’s a powerful attack buried pretty deeply in the chain. But again, having access to the heavy sweep is absolutely necessary for the weapon to be functional. Please revert this change.
No, i suspect whomever implemented this change died from ebola (real) and so did everyone who authorized it. Sadly ebola (real) is a dangerous disease wirh a 97% mortality rate, 75% with modern treatments. No doubt that none of the people were able to survive after this change.
The Magos Biologis assigned to treatment unfortunately also contracted ebola (digital) and died shortly there after.
Brunt has reportedly begun smelting down all T(rash) Hammers to make more anti tank 4 inch knives.
Really wish that was a way to know whether devs track opinions on issues like this one
I am suspicious that we are just the containment zone.
Better here than on steam I guess.
Give me back my hammer. I miss it.
It’s like that plague from the Eisenhorn novel The Magos, where it also influences people to do its bidding, which is to perpetuate its spread.
Which explains how some baffling changes get past the designer, programmers, artists, their team leaders, management and the testers and their team leaders
If the ironhelm is going to have its animations gimped like this they could atleast buff its damage. I’ll do a thrust boosted heavy on trash mobs and not kill them sometimes.
I agree the push attack into heavy 3 completely ruins the flow of the ironhelm. PLEASE fatshark revert the combo to push attack into heavy 2.
Y’know, it would be better if the special activation heavy 3 did more damage or something. With their change of the damage profile, it does way less dps on the heavy 3 as well. It used to kind of smoosh everyone under the hammer, now it strikes like one nerd instead of 3. So, they made the heavy 3 worse and it much harder to avoid.
exactly, i dont know why they made this change, the third heavy was always an attack i try to avoid with the ironhelm. I really hope they revert it in the next patch.
When this change was first shipped, I also screamed loudly and often that I hated it and wanted it reverted. But then I started playing with it more and more, and I actually really like the change now. Here’s why:
The overhead attack does nearly double the damage of the horizontal swings. It’s a great tool to kill specialists in a mixed horde without the lengthy activation and heavy charge timer. Having that attack be accessible right after a shove is a good thing because it gives a reliable, on demand answer to the big threats without needing the activation and charge time.
You can still get access to the horizontal heavy attack if you shove, let go of the swing button for any length of time (0.1 seconds works just fine), and then heavy again. It’ll reset your attack sequence so you still get that right horizontal swing that you want after a shove.
Ive found in some instances it does come in handy. Like, when you pushattack and theres a single elite you need to bonk. I do miss the old profile though, where you would deal that increased damage to everything under the hammer.
That being said, even with a crit headshot, its profile is only ok at killing non-melee elite threats you would have smashed flat/bullied with the heavy 2.
Regi was making the point earlier, ironhelm is one of the slowest clearing melees zealot has rn. Slowing access to the horde clear attack patterns hurts this guy quite a bit.
So people keep asking for this, is fatshark listening?
Or is this another one of those situations where the devs think they know better than the players.
No. We’re just a containment zone for angry fans. They’re going to ignore us. Do you know how i know? Because no one in their right mind who was asked, and who plays the hammer, would have approved this change. We’re all right here. They could have asked us.
They are extremely reluctant to listen to the community about balance concerns. From what I’ve heard they basically just listen to a small clique of youtubers for content advice. The sort that complained that Brainburst was too strong in the beta last year. I wish @Reginald was part of that clique since your videos are the most exhaustive that I’ve seen in terms of trying to investigate the current state of weapon balance. There are a few that just report details without drawing any conclusions from them, and then the majority of creators just create clickbait where they promote their “OP AURIC DAMNATION ___________ BUILD!!!1!!”
In theory this would be awesome because
A. I am right here and would be happy to contribute
B. I would be equally pleased to argue with all of you in my spare time so we can come to an agreement on the best path forwards
except on the chain axe. Its my weapon and I am right about how it should be changed.
You’re the only one that I’ve even see bother with realistic situation testing, like your melee test vs crusher blobs. On paper one would hope that the thunder hammer should be THE flagship weapon for cleaning that up in melee, but you showed that they actually were pretty mid compared to the combat axes that were just mopping the floor with the crushers at the time.