Indignatus Crusher (Legacy power-weapon slowdown bug)

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Lemme paint y’all a picture.

Once upon a time, all power and chain weapons would slow their wielder when utilizing their power-up/revv-up animations.
This was almost unilaterally determined by players across flat Terra to have been a “bad move” and was fixed in the second-ever notable patch of the game since its launch.

And then a very short while later the power-club was dropped; the Indignatus Crusher.
The period between the new weapon’s introduction and the prior patch which removed the legacy slowdown effect when powering/revving melee weapons, however, was fairly short… And the patch was seemingly NOT applied to this weapon… Perhaps because it utilized code that was made BEFORE the removal of said slowdown, the release of the weapon into the game coming so hot on the tail of the no-slowdown patch that the team that had been working on it either hadn’t had time to apply the same patch to it or because of a lack of communication… Or perhaps some other unknown reason?
Regardless of the rhyme or reason, however, the problem persisted. It remains til this day, untouched and unaddressed.

And every patch I see wherein it isn’t mentioned in so much as a footnote, let alone fixed, causes me great anguish.
Because DEAR EMPEROR it feels so BAD. It inflicts me with psychic damage every time my movement lurches as I power the danged club.

Somebody, won’t somebody please think of the bludgeon?

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Power up the brain-splitter club; the Indignatus Crusher…
While moving.

Lurch to a crawl. Feel bad. Attack and sprint… Repeat.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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