So I have posted countless times already about how bots suck at everything, and it doesn´t seem like FS gives a crap at all, but every once in a while I still get amazed by just how god-awful the bot AI is. It has happened to me several times over the past few days that the IB bot when I got downed fighting a boss, walked all the way up to me with his shield up all the time, even though the boss wasn´t aggroed on him at all and was in very safe distance from him, which took way unnecessarily long, and then instead of picking me up, he literally stood inside me for up to 7 seconds and did nothing at all.
Seriously, fix the bots already ffs. They are absolutely horrible and infuriating. They die easily to all types of enemies, don´t use their ranged when they should, do use their ranged when they absolutely shouldn´t, resulting in wasting ammo and pulling patrols, they pull patrols out of sheer stupidity, they walk through gas and fire, they literally stand in gas and fire for no reason, they have absolutely terrible priorities, for example, they prioritize venting their overcharge while standing in f#cking gas, resulting in extra overcharge and death, they suck at reviving players, heal ineffectively, jump off of every other ledge they possibly can for no reason, get stuck on everything, walk into players and then complain about getting inevitably shot at by the players, and probably quite a few other issues I can´t recall off the bat.
Every time I almost stop considering dropping the game because of the game-breaking bot AI, the bot AI proves itself to be even worse then I ever imagined, as is the case with the awful IB AI which makes the bot do nothing at all most of the time. He just stands with his shield up when facing hordes, which isn´t that awful when he has off balance on the shield, but he doesn´t even try to fight anything for the most part. He doesn´t even seem to push hordes, dodge them or anything of the sort.
If you think this is ok to have in your game, you are most welcome to f*ck right off, FS.