I will be filing a complaint with the Tribunal of Consumer Claims Malaysia if I do not get a refund for Darktide (UPDATE: Refund Acquired)


more evidence of negligence

For the purpose of requesting a refund, why? If you have sufficient grounds for a refund, you don’t need to go and get more information, you just request your refund. Waiting this long, despite having what sounds like a valid reason for a refund, just seems… odd.

If you want to collect information for the purpose of submitting it to your consumer rights organisation, that’s totally fine, but this can be done separately to getting your refund.

I don’t understand the purpose of posting this on the forums, is it so other people can see that they can get refunds too? Like, Valve is the company that decides if you merit a refund, not fatshark. And you’re definitely not going to get a response from anyone who can do anything by posting on their gaming forum. Like, if Valve doesn’t issue you a refund for some reason, you should contact someone at FS via email. Not make public threats on a forum. I hope you get your refund, just seems like a pointless way to go about it

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It clearly requires lack of networking and separate local save file.

I did a “Solo” run by accident today.
Just nobody joined at all…

Maelstrom, Malice, Scrab Melee, No ammo pickups,
Investigartion Mission (the one with the scans & the nugle tree).

6th Character: Psyker, Level 26, Autogun (bad roll), Forcesword (medium roll).

I keep the bots alive until the end, then THEY killed me by fAcking up AGAIN.

Not going to discuss the sense of the run overall, but let me just say this:

With THOSE bots, I can’t imagine with ANYONE wants to play solo…


Also asking for refund ONE YEAR after the game came out is a bit of a joke.

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Brandenburg! :rofl:

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Because I was naive and I was holding out for the possibility that the developers might try to make good on their advertisement. The recently posted screenshot here however showed me that the developers have no intention of delivering the feature they advertised.

I was willing to wait. I was willing to put up with delays provided they had a general reformed plan of when it was going to get in.

What I’m not willing to accept are the devs telling me the feature will be in, taking my money for it, and then turning around and saying “we might possibly do it, maybe, in the future”.

That definitely crosses the line over to fraud, and I refuse to accept that.

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You’re welcome to reach out to us over at https://fatshark.se/support in the event your Steam request is declined - we can help.


I played a solo with my characters as bots…
it was incredible how an Ogryn with a ripper gun changes the output…

Seriously, it is not hard to introduce something that allow us to play solo. A simple private instance restricted to only 1 player is enough.
What is harder would be to make it local with the system that validates your rewards. I guess, seeing it local, would not be possible.

But hey, FS, as something temporary and that don’t require you too much work, allow us to start missions as private and without the possibility to see others joining. Add the possibility to use our own characters as bots and it will give us a start without giving your teams a lot of work.
As a mod allow to use our own characters as bot, I can’t figure it would be difficult for your teams to add this.


This has been suggest to the devs repeatedly, and back in February we inadvertently had the ability to do this due to a bug.

If you were Solo, pressing the “Private Mode (P)” button during the short fade-out/fade-in transition between selecting a mission and the Ready Up screen allowed us to switch on Private Mode when the button would normally be greyed out. This allowed us to launch the mission in Private mode as a Solo and the game wouldn’t force-switch our Private mission to Public because the client/server didn’t perform the “is party size <2?” check if you were already at a party size of 1 when the mission was started.

This was quietly hotfixed in March.

So, the developers have shown that they do not want us to be able to play Private mode as a Solo player, and have gone out of their way to actively prevent it.


That would be fine for me.

One argument for Solo is that is FS shuts down the Servers at one point, the game will be dead.


they didn’t. they pre-orderd a PvE solo game that is now not being finished. you need to understand how consumer law works before commenting


This title is a strong contender for the first Darktide copypasta since “immeasurably complex”.

It was made clear the game wouldn’t launch with solo mode, so can you really say they pre-ordered a solo game?

If you pre-ordered for a launch feature that didn’t come to pass, that seems fairly straightforward. Pre-ordering/purchasing for a future feature, how strongly does that hold up?

(I honestly wish I knew someone who dealt with consumer law to get their take on the thread, I’m really curious)


they advertised a solo mode and people purchased the game based on those representations.


And those people should have immediately returned the game and gotten a refund when it was clear it wasn’t what they were expecting. It’s a very easy process to do.

To be fair - FS said Solo would still come yet later than expected. The statement that Solo was deleted from the task list is quite recent.

Lawyers may hold good faith against people - we gamers shouldn’t do that.


If not having a single player option was a deal breaker, they should have gotten a refund. They can always buy it again if it’s ever added.

That is the outcome I’m attempting to pursue right now, based on the recent revelation that there are no longer any plans to deliver the feature.