I think many of the angst posts about player standard matching may be down to simply the game interface itself. A player hitting quickplay on a level 3/4/5 game is probably level-appropriate for that, or is at least expecting that when they click on it.
So many times of late I click on a T5 quickplay, even in “Standard”, and I’m fired in to a T5 Stg with players of rank 30-35. Maybe they meant it. I suspect not.
At the risk of complicating the UI, I think QP should have a +/- modifier alongside it so people know what they’re likely to drop in to.
I don’t think that should be the mindset. Since you know you can get hard modifiers, but aren’t ready for that, just pick a map. The risk of quickplay and the reason it has a reward is because you can’t prepare for what you might get.
Agreed. The only thing that does need to be changed about quickmatch is the fact that you can be dumped into a match where the players have ALREADY lost. If EVERYONE is downed, the system should not be matchmaking you into that game because there’s literally no way to turn the tide.
If one bot is left standing, sure – it sucks, but there’s some EPIC moments that can be had with “that guy” being dropped into the game and suddenly, there’s a chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
So, is the problem that you get tossed in to the histg instead of usual game, or that other people play it?
In both of those cases anwser is simple: select the map manually. If you want to do just t5, then select it. If you want to play with people who specifically want to play histg go play auric.
This is why I just manually pick maps. Which I feel tends to lean into a lobby. I just don’t like jumping in midway to anything, unless I’m joining a friend group.
It’s a weird QP situation on Darktide as V2 seemingly thought this out with Deeds.
That’s kinda the issue: they learned a lot and had so much already done correctly or at least in a way that was beneficial to players in V2, but they just threw most of the supporting systems out when it came to Darktide. It’s absurd.