For the “Most immoral company of 2022” award. Congratulations on reaching a new low and joining the plethora of other game companies that drain their player base of money, time, and respect.
What do you win? A bunch of money of course! No better way to make that $$$ than spitting all over the people who supported you for years.
Sorry you’re wrong there are companies far worse like blizzard who abused some of their own employees to the point of suicide.
Its clear that the missing features were caused by issues with those features that were not noticed until it was too late.
This happens when a company rushes to fix problems. How many mistakes would you make with an angry crowd saying you should burn for your recent failures?
My only complaint to FS is not focusing on gamebreaking bugs.
We don’t need a new map or new weapons, we need a lot less crashes and everyone’s weekly contracts to reliably track grims/scriptures/etc.
Bonus points if they could fix the grims and scriptures that spawn in the map but cannot be picked up.
I find it odd gamers keep voting for gaming companies to be the worst …
Fifa exists for example. Nestle is another (i think those were the ones who claimed water shouldn’t be a right to have or similar).
You have apple who have Chinese manufacture companies with safety nets because of suicides.
Gaming companies lying or using marketing tactics to sell stuff isn’t even close on the list.
I feel gamers tend to be sheltered, that includes me, and lack perspective. When it comes to entertainment mediums we probably up there among having the best deal and value with what we get for money.
This doesn’t mean you can’t criticize bad practices or what not. But it’s important to have perspective.
If you think that another company is actually the “worst” that is perfectly fine with me. I don’t need to convince you that Fatshark is worse then “Company A and B and C because of X reasons”. I wont tell you you’re opinion is wrong because that would be rude. I wont give you the response you clearly want.
@Morzanith i’m just saying that a company that causes death is worse than a company that causes disappointment, if you think otherwise you really don’t value life.
They’re most definitely not the worst, or even as bad as some of the main AAA companies, but I’m extremely sad that that’s the standard they’re being held to, and that they’re following a downwards tendency compared to their previous games.
then there is WoT with 40€ premium tanks and gamble tanks who are outright overpowered who get more overpowered each year,
with lootbox mayhem and all the while its barely called playable without premium day’s
oh and lets not forget the black market where they let people bid against each other with real money and thousands of hours worth of ingame currency
and give out tanks to the best and most loyal playerbase that outright better in every conceivable way giving the top 5% players an extremely overpowered advantages