I just got kicked for

1h mace :heart:


Right?! It took me awhile to get the hang of it, but I’m really starting to love it. Plus the sound it makes on impact is just SO GOOD


Playing the Shade I got yelled at for not sticking with the group.

To be I did use my career skill to vanish during the horde, move though it and kill 2 ratling gunners, and a gas rat, as a DD user it was difficult to get back to the group, but I figured the death risk was worth it as no one else could get them, then when I did get back to kruber he promptly ran to a different location, so I used my ult again to kill the flamer hook rat that was in the horde… then kruber died and shortly after so did I…

Kruber felt I should not have left him.

I’m still not entirely sure what my other options were. People are fickle and can only really see their side of what is going on… I’m not at all sure that the Kruber player was even aware of exactly what stuff I kept off him while I was not at his side. Nor that he was all over the place, making being at his side damn near impossible.


I’ve had a few krubers blame me for them going down. I don’t think they know that a shades first priority is the specials and CWs. Especially if there’s a pyro, IB and FK. If the 3 of them can’t handle a horde on their own, well, the group is meant to fail. And most of the time, the Pyro is going to focus the horde, so if there’s no BH, the range specials can be a real nuisance.


As an elf/shade player it boggles me that of all people a shade asks you to bring armour pen, in most decent groups I’m in these days I’ll have low kills and armour/specials/reviving and babysitting for hookrats is all I’m left able to kill before it hits the ground. In plenty of groups I sometimes don’t even reach the chaos warriors before they fall over yet there’s people screaming for nerfs :joy:

Mind you this is pugs, it’s even more defined in the organized groups I play in!


Ok guys this is great, you’ll love it;

Played a load of games today with my usual HM. I always use hagbane with barrage + bonus chaos dmg and dmg versus monsters specifically for nuking bosses.

One game I get kicked for using it on a boss. Admittedly I landed 20% of splash on the IB and Saltz who were meleeing it, however they both had a lot of temp health and are the toughest careers choices of that class. My logic was that I built specifically for boss killing and was the only DPS still alive. So the shots were worth it I thought.

So with that in mind, a few games later similar situation on a different map. Stormfiend arrives above cellar on Empire in Flames and the Slayer asks me to bait boss downstairs (?? into cramped cellar??). During the awkward engagement I healed slayer AND saltz with meds, and revived saltz after he got downed. We eventually kill boss but I hardly used bane as I had few clear shots and didn’t want to get kicked for FF. Straight after the fight the first thing saltz does is moan that I didn’t use my hagbane. I replied with ‘how about thanks for the heals and revive’, he said
‘elfs in a nutshell’
after a little bit more crying he eventually kicked the mage by accident, then kicked me. THE SLAYER AND SALTZ I HEALED KICKED ME.

I can’t win.

Ranald pls.


rofl. nice story! people usually only remember the bad things you do, never the times when you actually help them.


As an adult, I believe in trying to support someone who accidentally screwed up, rather than berating them. Only time I would kick someone is if they are solo commanders or childish spam in chat.


Ah the good old solo commanders. The Saltz or Sienna who runs off by herself and gets dragged into the sunset by a hookrat.

Why is this a thread at all?

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OP wanted it to be?


Why did you come here to comment that rofl