I just found out about the Agripinaa MK XIV Stub Revolver


to my fellow Revolverhelden what do you use and why?

Not sure about it, i have made me one subpar but the Zarona i used before isn’t perfect either.
I have to say that i usually fire 2-3 Shots no matter what i’m aiming at and no matter how far it is away so the braced stance fits my playstyle, but stuff far away is harder to hit.

Zarona Pro

Agripinaa Pro
faster reload of all 5 rounds
if your aim is ok you can still hit enemys far away
kills faster close to mid range because of braced

I dont have earned blessings, but now im thinking about earning the blessings from both and make one with crucian roulette and sustained fire?!?

Any tips from the Pro’s

For the MK IIa you want Surgical and Hand Cannon.

Surgical will help with more consistent critical hits, and Hand Cannon will increase damage on those critical hits.

Not sure you need Flak Armor damage perks on it, i think i got Maniac and critical chance on mine, but thats also because those are the perks i ended up with due to the crafting locks.

Not sure about the MK XIV since i dont have a good one i want to use.

But i suspect that Hand Cannon is going to be good on that one as well but dont quote me on that.

Surgical seems less important with the way i see other people use it, so i dont know what secondary blessing would be good on it.

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Honestly for the Agripp 15 I think Run and Gun is huge and perhaps bis. It massively helps with the guns bloom and accuracy issues, as well as giving a bit of extra damage.

For second blessing I would just go Crucian for better burst. You won’t be able to do much damage to carapace but you will be much more consistent everwhere else.

If on deadshot vet or blazing Piety zealot you may be able to change it out for Hand Cannon with the extra crit they get.

Trickshooter isn’t horrible, because you can reload and keep yourself at full stacks if you shoot quickly, especially if on vet with a reload talent.


Deadshot Vet for the Agripp will want Hand Cannon and something for crit chance. This allows you to fan down Crushers without being too accurate.

Might give that a go, sounds like fun.

You can make a Shout Mark Vet build with Fan Revolver that absolutely deletes bosses. Very fun to bring to Maelstrom Monsters particularly. Does solid against Crushers and is ok against most everything.

I recommend having the 5% crit perk + 25% Unyielding and, for blessings, Handcannon + A crit or power blessing not named Surgical. You’re clip dumping a lot so you won’t get a lot of benefit out of it.

I still use old revolver more than Fan Revolver but Fan has a boss dps / desperado niche that cannot be denied. It’s fun to be a cowdoi and fan the hammer on some heretics :cowboy_hat_face:


Yea I don’t think surgical is good for the Mk 14 because the stacks clear when you shoot, and very often you’re dumping all 5 shots together. I have crucian + hand cannon on my Mk 14 and it seems to work pretty well. I always use it in “fanned” mode so Run n Gun wouldn’t work well for me but maybe for others. Sustained Fire might be good tho, haven’t tried that one yet :thinking:

Another option which I haven’t tried yet is Point Blank. In theory that should mesh really well with the stab-n-fan playstyle. I’m not sure how well it actually works tho just because the buff’s duration is so darn short…

Yeah, i was thinking Crucian/HC might be a good combo.

I was thinking trickshooter might have some potential as well depending on how good a persons aim is.

Trickshooter could be awesome if your aim is really dialed in, but I have zero confidence that I can make trickshooter work properly with fanned shots. If you got it to work properly tho it would be amazing

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not sure what you mean by fan Revolver, but i agree here.
The more i play again and remember how to utilize a Revolver i think what you mentioned is what my playstyle was and is.
It’s useless against hordes like most ranged weapons expect some Braced Autoguns and a Flamer of course, but whenever i see an Elite, Specialist, Crusher, Mauler, Flamer, Gunner, Sniper* i pull the trigger and bam bam bam it’s dead :sunglasses:
Thats very fun.
*Snipers are a bit more difficult to hit with this fan Revolver, but still possible.
I tend to empty the whole clip on everything Elite/ Special/ Boss and use sticky Grenades for the shield Ogryns. For everything else a Devils Claw MK I, although i also like the chainsword now, but the pattern is not that good and i dont need the special for elites, because of the Revolver.
While the Chainweapons specials are really fun to use, they make you stick to the enemy and sometimes this is bad for you.

Actually i go full crit with everything possible in skilltree and using a Revolver with Crucian Roulette III and Surgical III
The Perks are T3 versus Flak and Maniacs
I have no Handcannon blessing, but will try to find one
Run and Gun is maybe good with it, but it doesnt fit my playstyle that much, but as you can see above i have one with it and will do more testing.

what does rending (handcannon) again in detail?
I remember it was better than something else to have when i played Zealot, but i dont remeber what it does exactly.

Fan means “braced mode” so holding RMB and fire rapidly all 5 shots consecutiveley?
Well thats my style :cowboy_hat_face:
So what i said above Run and Gun maybe not that much for me.

I think what @sioux said is what i want and try when i get a HC blessing.
Crucian + Handcannon seems to please this style the best.

For perks i need to learn again about enemie types.
As i said i have Flak and Maniacs. Until everything goes down, most important i think is to kill Maulers asap, for Ogryns i also use Grenades, Reapers get 2 shotted, although the Maniac perks is only T3

Maybe Speedload is also good?!? Or Gloryhunter, because you kill elites all the time?

thanks everyone for input.

I’m using Fan Revolver to refer to the new revolver because it fans the hammer. Fanning the hammer is what you do when you hold rmb and spam left click. The hammer is the part of the gun you click back after each shot. When you pull the trigger, the hammer is released, hits the back of the bullet, which triggers the bullet explosion which shoots it. Fanning is a technique to rapidly reset the hammer so you can shoot really fast with single shot revolvers.

Fan revolver is best used for scary single enemies at close / medium range. You can burst them down and either reload quickly or get into melee since the threat is gone.

Handcannon IV is 60% Rending on Crit. Essentially, Rending means your shots ignore a percentage of an enemy’s armor. With the HC blessing, you’re ignoring 60% armor when you crit. This is a really good way to deal with everything since it effects every armor type (maniac, Carapace, etc.).

Handcannon is why the 5% crit perk and a crit blessing like Crucian Roulette are good. You want more of your shots to ignore that armor.

It’s totally fine if you don’t have or use Handcannon. Clip dumping with crits and power bonuses is still really solid and you can beat any difficulty with it.


thanks for explanation its not my motherlanguage, but i got it now.
I googles about Rending, it was something i knew when game released, but just forgot about it.
actually it has become my favorite Revolver, because very fun playstyle.

ATM i combine it with a knife instead of Devily Claw or Chainsword, also very powerfull.

I played Damnation with my build and setup and did fine i’d say.

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i like the novelty of the new one, but the old one is still much better, imo.

i thinks it’s a matter of taste.
the first two missions i would have agreed, but i managed to even 3 shot far away snipers with it.
It’s not that accurate, but much quicker killing elites and specialists.
The single reload of the Zarona saved my life sometimes, but i started to like the quicker reload of the full drum.
they are both good and fun guns

it totally is. i would only use this on my zealot and vet, but i have melee range covered, so longer range is my priority. i like to be able to snipe things in a pinch if i’m in the middle of a slap-fight with an elite enemy; something that’s just not possible with the new one.

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