I imagine its a lot of work

It’s basically guaranteed that it does take an exceptional amount of work, and that the only appropriate judges of that lie somewhere on the internal dev team.

Unfortunately we’ll never really know if the silent treatment continues. I mean, maybe the Close Range stat affects enemy AI as well as player stats so that’s why it’s more complicated than changing a number. Wouldn’t that be interesting to know?

Also interesting what you mentioned about the Auric implementation – was Auric introduced in/around the beta? I can’t remember…

I wouldn’t call it bait but I also don’t think calling a thread bait is quite far enough to justify flagging. I think these threads inviting conflict is just a result of extremely differing opinions rather than any sort of ill-intent

In any case civil disagreement is fine

yeah It’s a lot of work to make a fully functional map especially with how the AI in DT works, gotta make sure pathing doesn’t get cooked and collision all works properly


Yes, one can imagine a lot when we don’t know what’s going on behind the curtain.

Lol yeah true. But it would be improvement in communication, wouldn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not intended to be any sort of bait.

Thank you :smiley:

Thank you for understanding!

Sorry I missed this comment, I like this comment a lot. Do we know what the two handed ogryn weapon is? I had heard someone speculate that the Ogryn is getting a giant two handed pick? The cog could also be an emoji equivalent for a bolt [pistol]. Perhaps, each emoji is a communication on what’s finished? Who knows.

But, the bolt pistol. How would that play? Single shot? How many shells per magazine?

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I’m sorry, but it’s not normal that Close range is still at 8m (without confirmation that it’s intended) or that the Bolter still has jitter.

I know the current balance is basically a deep pit we jumped when patch 13 release, but since they do make incredible huge balance changes without second thoughts, I’m not sure why asking for regularity and damn followups to this ridiculous hammer balancing is in any way a big ask that they can only work slowly towards.

This should be the norm for any game the is even slightly live service.

I’m giving a pass for them currently because I’m basically certain that itemization changes will come with a big balance update, but this doesn’t mean that the past mistakes are forgiven.

They basically should have done something with knife and revolver (and IAG) like 1 month after the last huge balance change (which was pretty cool), but there was nothing. That’s not fine.

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Who knows? Probably an unhealthy mix of where it falls on priority to fix and/or whether if its defective, can they even talk about it in the first place? Is there any other indication on what close range should be?

It is an acknowledged bug since a year. Maybe fixing a simple year old bug that heavily effects game balance on several weapons should be a priority.

This is my problem. It’s okay if something is more important, but there is a line with stuff like this, and we are way past that line.

Same with Bolter jitter. This is the iconic 40k weapon and it’s ridiculous that it jitters since basically the game release. You can work around it with tech, but that’s something that a casual wouldn’t know and would just feel the clunkiness. (and it isn’t a great experience for a more experienced player like myself either)

The fact that the balancing team is particularly close-lipped about what their stance on several problems like this is a big issue.


I think Helldivers has a good approach where they list known issues at the end of most comms. It’s a low-committment high-impact message, and despite some bugs persisting for quite a long time it shows that they’re still on the radar.

The bar is low.


I don’t think this was a bait thread, just appreciating what is coming with the update imo.

We know for a fact that it’s a two handed pickaxe:

The tweet is worded that it seems each emoji only corresponds to the map and not the new weapons. I assume the Cog means it’s Mechanicus area, or simply has lots of heavy machinery, and the ice cube obviously is since it’s in a snow environment. The pickaxe I assume means that a section of the map is in a mine, or there is some sort of drill as a set piece event.

I assume only single shot, but maybe it will have a burst hip fire mode? Unlikely but possible I guess. For shells I’m going to guess 5, since if it had 10 it would be weird that the bolter only has 5 more shots than it.

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I am excited for the bolt pistol more than anything else. Now if only we could dual wield it with a chainsword. Well, one can dream. Maybe one day

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Btw, just wanted to add that the points here also make one wonder about the other unresolved issues, like say… the blessing pool & balancing among other things.

Take for example the Trauma staff which is infamous for its 10 blessings most of which make no sense or don’t work. Or other weapons like Surge / Purge with a tiny lackluster blessing pool to begin with, only 2 of them really worth picking. If the blessings and their function are shared across all weapons rather than just determined on an individual weapon basis, it would explain a lot about why it’s taken them forever to fix those issues.

Similarly there’s a lot of weird about the weapon variant balancing, what with how each family has 1-2 good/decent ones and the rest are just bad. To us it seems simple to just increase the dmg / firing speed / other attributes of the lesser variants or tone down the same on the stronger ones for a balance. But if they likewise share the same template and any changes would likely impact all variants at the same time, it would actually explain a lot.

It’s pretty weird if that stuff is an issue tho but as said earlier, we just don’t know why & what made it that way so it’s hard to speculate and play what if’s here.

It definitely appears strange to the layman on what would appear an easy fix to the rest of us in concept.
I really think that if they could have, they’d have done it already. But for whatever reason, it simply isn’t done. For whatever bugs there are. I know I still submit some.
That’s all I have to say about that.

programming is just keystrokes on a keyboard and not that different from changing numbers, so no excuse you haven’t made DT2 instead of all your complaining posts. NO EXCUSE!!!


Ehh I’m not interested, the first one was lame and doesn’t deserve a sequel IMO. However now that you are saying it the devs of DT1 (who may be interested) could have totally made DT2 in all this time. No excuse.

Your perception is a bit skewed imo, but believe what you want.

I don’t believe on things, there are already mods that let you change the color of textures and combine meshes both from clothes and weapons. All done by non devs.
And yeah like it or not balancing weapons IS changing numbers. If you want to believe that doing such things takes months, you believe what you want.

Everything is changing numbers, but the difficulty is not in the changing of the numbers. Thinking it is says a lot.

Okay buddy, where is the difficulty?

‘Balancing weapons’ is about the balance of performance between all weapons. So if you change weapon X, you then have to test all weapons to see how the balance is now and probably readjust until you hit a ‘balance’ you are happy with (or just decide that it’s done for the moment).

If God delivers you a list of optimal values for each weapon then it would be just punching in numbers and no need to test/Q&A because yeah God gave us the numbers.

See, son?

That’s absolute nonsense, but it was expected.
If that’s how things worked the revolver would not be overtuned and the autopistol would not be crap (among others like the bolter) because…

Riiiight? Darn! It almost looks like reality is so very different than what you said!

Ah yes… the Test/Q&A that FS is famous for!