Dear Lotta & Level Design Team

Saw this linked on the darktide subreddit:

Felt a bit sad reading that. For what it’s worth, I notice! There’s often a lot going on in game and we players don’t always have time to chill out and take in the sights, but I’m coming up on 1200 hours and there isn’t a single one of them where I haven’t silently admired the sheer quality and attention to detail you folks put into the environments and level design, even if it’s only for a few moments before I have to dodge the mutie about to pound me into the floor.

The new zone is particularly awesome - and I’d love to see that developer commentary one day to know exactly what inspired you folks to come up with these designs. :grinning:

Don’t be sad - your work really is appreciated!


A fan

Edit: turns out it’s a satire website (who can tell with the state of games journalism these days), and I freely admit I fell for it. I don’t think that negates the value of the post though - the level designers deserve some love, so give them some!


Hard Drive is a parody site, essentially the video game equivalent of the Onion. The article is them meme-ing.

Eh, I don’t follow most gaming sites so I didn’t know that, but the point still stands! And I’d still like to see that developer commentary!

I’ll leave it up and own that I got hoodwinked. :smiley:

Don’t let anyone sell you any bridges.


FS teams must not be on the same page because this new mission they just released has the mission directors constantly telling the team to hurry up!

Morrow even apologized to Rannick for us going too slow! Bugger off I say let me look around at the level.


And FWIW some of us totally enjoy the vistas and even use the solo mod to lick every pixel.
FS artists are just wonders.

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Good satire should be convincing, it’s what makes it good. I’m fine with falling for it if it means the level designers get a little well-deserved love from the community. If you feel the need to belittle that, I feel bad for you.

I lol’d at this harder than I should have

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