I imagine its a lot of work

Creating an entirely new level, with all the appropriate trigger boxes, and whatever else mechanics to make the AI director function properly and not have a whole lot of level issues I imagine is a lot of painstaking work. Not to mention the variants of the level that they’re gonna probably have us do (going forward, backward and sideways through the level as we do with others.)

I don’t know if any other content is coming other than the level, but the only thing I expect are the few new weapons and the new level. While this is small to some people, I’m sure, it’s adding to the growing amount of content we have.

Fatshark be like:

:ice_cube: chill
:gear: [your] gears
:pick: [we’re] working.


Not to mention making new assets and skybox for the tile set. Speaking of, I’m very excited to spill some blood on the snow! Especially since DT has better gore than VT 2 it will be awesome to see.

Adding weapons is a big bonus to me, and outside of new archetypes or talent tree expansions is the thing I want the most.

I know some people don’t want new weapons without crafting changes, but I have enough resources that I can brute force what I want. I’m particularly excited for the bolt pistol and shock maul.

I think a lot of the negativity right now is people don’t know whether or not to expect the itemization changes in this patch.


In a game as ridiculously complex as DT (it really is due to being quite linear with oodles of balancing factors), then yeah a new level is a lot of work and many months of QA after many months of whitebox/art/iterating/balancing.

The there’s the balancing of the new weapons too, which is a whole other bunch of months to QA and balance.

Their communication might be in the gutter but they’re definitely working at least.


I didn’t think of that. That’ll be interesting to see.

I get that; it’s unfortunate.

Based comment, the whole bit.


I don’t think it will be anything too crazy, just that the snow contrasting with the red gore will look really cool.


All I meant was, It’ll be interesting to see how much work they put into the gore meshing (if at all) with the snow on the ground. If so, to what degree? Im the sort of art guy who has a LOT of fun making these small details look as believable as possible. I understand if they wouldn’t. I would understand and could guess the number of reasons why they wouldn’t; I’m not holding my breath for anything spectacular.

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Yes, making video games is a lot of work. That doesn’t excuse the absolutely minuscule amount of content that has been released for Darktide. Not to mention their lack of communication, consistently introducing (and re-introducing) significant and glaring bugs, and ignoring the primary complaints of the community. They’ve had plenty of time to work, it’s time to show some results.

I’m not trying to say you can’t be happy with whatever they deliver, but for something they marketed as a “Live Service” game, it doesn’t come anywhere close to the expectations that Fatshark themselves have set time and time again. It is a constant cycle of over promising and underdelivering.


This has been discussed ad nauseam and I’ll agree to disagree with these points of what people demand(ed):
Fix the servers!
Fix the maps!
Balance weapons!
Balance Talents!
Rework ‘crafting’
Rework Morningstar
Better skins!
More enemies!
More levels!
More modes!
More weapons!
More levels!
More talents!
More skins!

When you set out a plethora of demands, doing one at a time would certainly seem like a drip feed. You can’t add all this stuff at once. Surely, they’ve been working on it, slowly but surely. I don’t think FS has set high expectations again and again. I’m only aware of the launch expectations that were bunked and their idea of communicating regularly.


Fixing the servers is priority, if I shoot something and the shot doesn’t register then I’m not playing anymore. Why would I?

Balancing the talents and weapons is mostly changing numbers, absolutely no excuse.

Adding variations of the commissar skins is just changing the color, it’s but a moment. No excuse. You can even combine meshes you already have and add that for model variety but nope, greed first.

The crafting rework… it’s been more than a year since the game came out. It sure take time but a year and a half is more than enough time. And this wouldn’t even be an issue if they had tested the game to see how it worked.


The things you listed are literally part of their job of running the game, which most studios manage to do just fine, despite delivering more content much more regularily.

Imagine buying a car without wheels a broken windshield and an engine that is half the size and then getting mad at people asking for those issues to be fixed in a timely manner and not having to wait several extra years to have the actual product you paid for.

You’re a mindbroken mate.


If that was true, I gotta say, basically going “Shut the F up we’re working here” would be a revolutionary, very avant-garde way to communicate with your playerbase /s


Oh boy that’s a list and funny enough all of these are needed for game dev but hey, lets break it down:

Yeah the bare bone basics of gameplay kind of demand that the servers are fixed and working. Ghost hits feel bad and have felt bad, this isn’t some kind of mystery why people complain about it. On top of that it’s an always online game with no support for P2P or Community servers so it’s a basic expectation that if you host an always online game that your servers work.

I’ve honestly never heard of this one so i gotta ask if they people who said ‘fix the maps’ are in the room with you right now? Unless you are implying that they shouldn’t make sure that you know, you can’t just fall through solid parts of the map and get stuck or that it’s not their job to actually make sure the maps work.

Yeah, that’s uhhhhh, that’s another really basic expectation of most games. That’s also an expectation most games fulfill.

I ain’t even going over this stupid :poop: again.

Yeah i mean when you make it the central hub and force people to load into it rather than loading into a menu it’s kind of expected that you do the bare minimum of adding new things to it every once and a while or atleast making sure it’s not a chore to use every single time.

I mean they don’t really make their own skins anymore and a lot of them are outsourced so they could go back to you know, making their own.

Again, yeah, all kind of stuff that’s expected when you sell a game as using a live service model with seasonal updates. Absolutely none of what you said is unreasonable in any way and other games deliver these just fine. I don’t get the point of this post except pointing out and whinging on Fatshark’s behalf that they actually need to do work.

All at once?..

All at once?

You are kidding right?

The last update that actually added anything that wasn’t just skins was 7 months ago. Literally half a year ago. No one really asked for the penance update which in itself was mostly just stuff that again, should have been in on launch and a bunch of assets they had lying around.

The way you manage people asking stuff is that you have people collect and filter data, like a CM. They usually bring all that data to a manager or a supervisor with points about what people like, don’t like, what to focus on, etc.

Then you have your actual management staff set priorities and monitor what is going on, they assign projects to people and teams, then monitor those projects.

Then when you collect everything you have done you have a big meeting with your developers, managers, and social media people. They talk about what they can and can’t show, what the stage of things they are at, what they are interested in showing, what to put emphasis on, etc.

Media or an update is released what garners a variety of feedback in the form of comments, questions, bug fixes, etc and the process starts all over again.

This is literally what work is, that is just how that works, it’s not like FS is absolutely burdened compared to anyone else, that is literally just how game development works.

Holy hell in a hand basket.


Just stop engaging. Dude makes these bait threads every so often.

Seriously does nobody remember the old adage of ‘don’t feed the troll?’

Edit: nice attempt to flag. Unfortunately, no, telling people the bait thread is bait is not off-topic. It’s a warning to try and keep people from engaging you.


I don’t give a crap. If stuff at end of development is not engaging enough, it doesn’t matter how much effort has been put into it. Only result matters in the end.

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Yeah, okay, flag me calling the thread bait.

@Incandescent, please, for the love of God, can you do something about him abusing the flag system to silence everyone who calls out his bait threads for what they are?


I get posted my emotes on Twitter is a lot of work rather than actually making a post about the itemisation changes we’ve been eating over a year and a half for

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I doubt they’ll react. The two of them seem to be always giving him a pass. Curious.

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He wasn’t the one who flagged you but anyway the flag was rejected. If flag spam becomes a problem I’ll look into it (assuming someone doesn’t get to it before me)

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This is actually a fair point. I mean, having played since release and having read most of their patch notes for the past year or so there’s a lot of stuff in there that implies it’s all far from as simple as we’d assume.

I remember it took a long time for them to fix the bugged books, materials etc. that couldn’t be interacted with. The countless bugged spawns from notorious corners, enemies shooting through specific walls or buildings, snipers literally spawning below map and shooting you through the ground etc. Back when they added the Auric / Maelstrom table they mentioned they had to redesign parts of the game to even allow for different modifiers and other stuff based on difficulty tiers. Before then all the difficulties apparently used the same template, the only variation being enemy numbers, hp & dmg, and rewards. And more.

Ofc. it’s not unreasonable to have expected them to simply have done a better job designing and planning this stuff from the get-go. But personally I have absolutely no clue at all what kind of engine limitations etc. the devs have had to work with. And we definitely know from the rushed & unfinished release that they had to do a ton of compromises and bubblegum fixes just to get the game out at all. So passing blame here would be pointless.

But considering all of the above and what it implies, that there’s a whole lot more behind the scenes we don’t even know about, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if creating even a single map and then making sure it also works right required way more work than any of us here think.


Cool. It’s been driving me up the wall seeing stuff get flagged constantly and it’s usually one of this dude’s threads.

Who knows, maybe it’s someone who just wants the bait to keep getting waved around because the reactions are funny.