Three scenarios where I’ll leave a match
I was playing until mates logged in; I’ve got more than 10 minutes left, so I’ll duck out to join them. That’s never in a situation where the poo has hit the fan mind you, so I’m likely not tanking the team below their net ability anyway
I’ve been summoned by the principal member of the family (my wife) to likely help cook/clean/reach something high up
The cat has walked in to my room. I can honestly say that you don’t want the static electricity build up from a hungry cat. You’ve just got to go feed it.
Scenarios 2/3 are why I’d like better bots!
I can’t fathom those that go down for the first time and immediately quit out. What happened? You think we’re bad because you went down? You’re hoping for a better carry? What was it?
It’s one of the worst detractors from the game how easy it is to leave. Maybe there should be a five minute matchmaking ban if you leave (or alt-f4) two games within 15 minutes of each other. That’d still allow friends to invite you, but not let you foul up another game.