I don't think I can play Darktide anymore

I learned yesterday that my good friend and primary gaming buddy Rocy passed away in a heart-attack last weekend. He had been offline for a few days before so I wasn’t too worried, until a friend of his started contacting all the people on his friend-list about it. He was in his late 20s / early 30s.

We played Darktide often together and we played Vermintide before that. He especially liked playing his Loner psyker and lived for the gameplay. Had he opinions on the crafting system, skill tree, weapon balancing etc? Of course. But the gameplay is what made him (and me) keep playing.

With him gone… Darktide (and a lot of other games we played together) have lost their spark.
I know no one cares about this but I needed to get it off my chest.


:frowning_face: :slightly_frowning_face:

Don’t ever feel awkward about sharing that kind of story. Sorry to hear. Stay strong our kid.


nad dude, perfectly understandable.

sorry for your loss.

give yourself time to mourn, right now aint the emotional time to game anyways.
know the feeling when nothing keeps your mind off a thing no matter how much fun it usually is.

now for the broken record part: last thing your buddy would have wanted is for you to lose joy in things you loved.


Sorry for your and his family loss. Years back (more than a decade now…) we lost one of our gaming buddies to what I believe was a stroke. He was also young, but suffered from some health issues. Take care of yourself people.


I understand and I am extremely sorry for your loss. My fianceé and I used to play a lot of video games together before she died on New Years Day in 2023. If you want the details: she went clubbing with her friends and her drink was spiked with something that turned out to be lethal. She was 23 years old.

I want to thank you for being so open about this, because I know that I haven’t been open about my fianceé. I only just started playing Minecraft again last month, and that was only because my younger brother contacted me and said that he missed playing it with me. I am still yet to play the other video games that me and my fianceé shared together.

May your friend Rest in Peace.

Edit: I fixed some of my grammar.


My friend, I know that the words of comfort from some random guy on the internet who literally lives on the other side of the world from you aren’t worth a damn, but… your story touched me and I sincerely feel sorry for you. Some things shouldn’t happen.
I want to wish you as well as OP a new and bright future. Pain is an essential part of life and unfortunately the adage that pain is the best teacher is true. Again, condolences to both of you.


Oh, you always know what to say, Macharia :face_holding_back_tears:

Thank you so much, and do know that I will always be here if you ever go through something like myself or OP did with a loved one, no matter what :blush:


Having my closest friends be disembodied voices across the internet for 11 years I can’t imagine, or rather don’t want to imagine your pain.

I know everyone’s different, but I know a younger me would feel silly for mourning someone I never met in person.

I want you to know that’s total bullsh*t. I want to make sure you don’t invalidate what you are going through.

You lost a friend. It’s going to hurt.

I have no more words beyond empty platitudes so I’ll just say don’t fight the waves.

Ride them out. It’s easier that way.


Not true, i care. Sorry to hear about your friend, stay strong mate



I’m so sorry OP. :cry:


I care and all care. Sorry for your loss.


I am sorry for your loss OP. It is brave to share such a painful happening with anyone, so thank you for giving us your trust on this front.

I believe that if we cherish and guard the memories of people we loved and cared for they will never truly leave us. They will live on inside us and be with us on our journey forward that is life. Remember your friend and he will be with you forever. I wish you blessed and calmer days going forward.


I am truly sorry OP.

I can relate though. I lost my wife in 2017 and we played Heroes of the Storm almost all day everyday before she passed. I seriously loved that game but I was just simply unable to play it after she was gone.
I tried a few times but even at the menu screen, It felt hollow and utterly alone.

Grief is a tough creditor so do not shy from it. Embrace your grief and allow yourself the time to feel it. That is the only path to healing and adapting to your new reality. You are in the thoughts of a random internet stranger.


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