I Crave More Penances

A series of possible penance ideas, ranging in difficulty. Feel free to suggest your own!


  • Logistics: Restore 50% of your teams total Ammo and 75% of their grenades with a single field improvised ammo crate.

  • Triage: Heal X toughness with a single field improvised medipack.

  • Moral Support: Heal X ally toughness in a single match (doesn’t count overtoughness)

  • Militarum intelligence: Resolve a faulty interrogator during one activation of Infiltrate.

  • Emperor’s Helping Hand: Revive/Rescue X teammates using infiltrate.

  • Combat Prowess: Deal X damage in Y seconds after using any combat ability.

  • Cadia Stands: Complete a map with 2 wounds and 2 grimoires.

  • Big Game Hunter: Kill X Ogryns in a single activation of Executioner Stance.

  • Krak Shot: Kill 2 or more Ogryns with a single Krak Grenade.


  • Emperor, guide me: kill a sniper with a throwing knife from X meters away.

  • Fleet Footed Fervor: Kill X elites and specialists within X seconds using melee.

  • Master’s Miracle: Get X consecutive Elite/specialist throwing knife headshot kills in Y seconds.

  • Purifying flame: Kill X enemies with fire in a single match.

  • Stunning Savior: Stun X enemies and revive an ally before the stun wears off.

  • The Hound is Down: Kill a Poxhound mid pounce with a throwing knife.

  • The God Emperor Compels Ye! Knock a monstrosity off a ledge using Choir of Spiritual Fortitude.

  • Smooth Moves: Kill X specialists/elites with melee attacks while sliding.


  • Crusher Crushed: Kill a crusher with a single heavy attack.

  • Run an’ krump: Kill X enemies in a single activation of Bull Rush.

  • Taunt Kill: Kill an Elite, Specialist or Monstrosity by knocking them off a ledge with loyal protector.

  • Hey, look at me! Taunt the same monstrosity X times with loyal protector.

  • Mobile Artillery Platform: Deal X explosive damage during a single use of Barrage

  • Scrumball Superstar: Pickup and carry a vacuum capsule from its spawn to the objective without dropping it on malice difficulty or higher.

  • A Stone’s Throw: Kill a specialist with a rock from X meters away.

  • Two Birds: Kill 2 elites/specialists with a single rock.


  • Lighting Rod: Stun X Ogryns in a single cast of smite.

  • Overdrive: Complete a map while at red peril for X% of the match, on malice difficulty or above.

  • Stunblock: Force a mutant to drop a teammate by stunning them.

  • Warp Strom: Deal X Warp Damage during a single Maelstrom.

  • Drawing a Blank: Complete an Auric Level Mission without dealing any Warp damage.

  • Double Bubble: Have 2 Dome shields active at once.

  • The Wall: Stagger X specialists with a single psychic shield.

  • Monastic Tradition: Kill X Enemies with Staff Special Attacks.

  • Clear your Mind: Quell X Peril during the duration of a Celerity Stim.


  • Stromchaser: Complete 1 of every maelstrom modifier.

  • Maelstrom Maestro: Complete a maelstrom map after performing X revives on at least 2 different teammates.

  • Hotshot Pox Drop: Kill a poxhound mid-pounce with a headshot.

  • Boss Rush: Kill one of each monstrosity (excluding daemonhost) in a single match.

  • Artful Dodger: Dodge X mutant/disabler attacks in Y seconds.

  • Patching Up: Administer a Med Stim to an ally when they’ve got one wound remaining.

  • Doctor Feel Good: Administer X stims to teammates in total.

  • Roid Rage: Deal X damage while under the effects of a damage stim.

  • Marathon Gunner: Run X meters while under the effects of a Celerity Stim.

  • Second Wind: Recharge your entire stamina bar with a Celerity Stim.

  • Deep Concentration: Activate your Combat Ability 3 times while under the effects of a Concentration Stim.

  • Mutie Mutilator: Kill X mutants in Y seconds during a Maelstrom.

  • Kennel Keeper: Kill X hounds during a Hunting Grounds condition.

  • Target Lost: Complete a Sniper Gauntlet without anyone on your team getting shot by a sniper.

  • Clean Bill of Health: Complete a Pox Gas mission without taking any corruption damage from the gas.

  • Intercept Course: Stop a Mutie, Trapper or Poxhound from interrupting a teammate doing an objective or reviving an ally by heroically sacrificing yourself.


(Excise Vault, Relay Station, and Warren all have map-specific Exploration penances. I think this should be standardized across all maps.)

  • The Machine God is Pleased: Complete the mid event on Clandestine Gloria without allowing a single overload to occur on malice difficulty or above.

  • Bridge Vigil: Kill X enemies by knocking them off ledges during the Vigil Station Finale.

  • Smelterminator: Knock X enemies into molten slag during the Smelter Complex finale.

  • Gatekeeper: Keep both gates closed for 90% of the Mercantile finale on malice difficulty or above.

  • Coordinated Capsules: Get both power cells to the Skylink under X seconds in Enclavum Baross on malice difficulty or above.

  • Consigned to Death: Kill the Consignment Yard Finale Boss by knocking them off a ledge.

  • Panic’d Attack: Complete the Archivum Sycorax mid event under X seconds on malice difficulty or above.

  • Logistical Nightmare: Place all the capsules in Chasm Logistratum’s finale within X seconds of each other.

  • Bridge Over Torrential Waters: Kill X enemies with environmental hazards (Barrels and ledges) during the Silo Cluster mid event.

  • Super Sleuths: Complete the Hab Dreyko mid-event under X seconds.

  • Thieves Guild: Complete Ascension Riser after opening every container and collecting at least X plasteel and Y diamantine.

  • Flawless Transmission: Complete Comms-Plex’s finale without failing or resetting any Data Interrogations on malice difficulty or above.

  • Capital Punishment: Kill the Assassination target in Magistrati Oubliette while their shield is still active.

  • You’ve got the Power: Flush the Coolant in under X seconds from the lift opening during the Power Matrix finale.

  • You’ve Train’d For This: Kill the Assassination Target in under X seconds on Chasm Station.


I love most of the Oggy ones, just two that I’d really change:
First, taunting the same monstrosity multiple times implies that it’s left alive way too long. Penances that require a team to play suboptimally around you are probably a bad idea.

Second, this is 40k. It’s called “Scrumball,” here.



Ah, good point.

My intent for that was to stack CDR for LP using the “Push to gain CDR” talent.

And thank you for the correction, I have edited my post posthaste!

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More penance gives me more motivation to play.

Bump o=

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