A series of possible penance ideas, ranging in difficulty. Feel free to suggest your own!
Logistics: Restore 50% of your teams total Ammo and 75% of their grenades with a single field improvised ammo crate.
Triage: Heal X toughness with a single field improvised medipack.
Moral Support: Heal X ally toughness in a single match (doesn’t count overtoughness)
Militarum intelligence: Resolve a faulty interrogator during one activation of Infiltrate.
Emperor’s Helping Hand: Revive/Rescue X teammates using infiltrate.
Combat Prowess: Deal X damage in Y seconds after using any combat ability.
Cadia Stands: Complete a map with 2 wounds and 2 grimoires.
Big Game Hunter: Kill X Ogryns in a single activation of Executioner Stance.
Krak Shot: Kill 2 or more Ogryns with a single Krak Grenade.
Emperor, guide me: kill a sniper with a throwing knife from X meters away.
Fleet Footed Fervor: Kill X elites and specialists within X seconds using melee.
Master’s Miracle: Get X consecutive Elite/specialist throwing knife headshot kills in Y seconds.
Purifying flame: Kill X enemies with fire in a single match.
Stunning Savior: Stun X enemies and revive an ally before the stun wears off.
The Hound is Down: Kill a Poxhound mid pounce with a throwing knife.
The God Emperor Compels Ye! Knock a monstrosity off a ledge using Choir of Spiritual Fortitude.
Smooth Moves: Kill X specialists/elites with melee attacks while sliding.
Crusher Crushed: Kill a crusher with a single heavy attack.
Run an’ krump: Kill X enemies in a single activation of Bull Rush.
Taunt Kill: Kill an Elite, Specialist or Monstrosity by knocking them off a ledge with loyal protector.
Hey, look at me! Taunt the same monstrosity X times with loyal protector.
Mobile Artillery Platform: Deal X explosive damage during a single use of Barrage
Scrumball Superstar: Pickup and carry a vacuum capsule from its spawn to the objective without dropping it on malice difficulty or higher.
A Stone’s Throw: Kill a specialist with a rock from X meters away.
Two Birds: Kill 2 elites/specialists with a single rock.
Lighting Rod: Stun X Ogryns in a single cast of smite.
Overdrive: Complete a map while at red peril for X% of the match, on malice difficulty or above.
Stunblock: Force a mutant to drop a teammate by stunning them.
Warp Strom: Deal X Warp Damage during a single Maelstrom.
Drawing a Blank: Complete an Auric Level Mission without dealing any Warp damage.
Double Bubble: Have 2 Dome shields active at once.
The Wall: Stagger X specialists with a single psychic shield.
Monastic Tradition: Kill X Enemies with Staff Special Attacks.
Clear your Mind: Quell X Peril during the duration of a Celerity Stim.
Stromchaser: Complete 1 of every maelstrom modifier.
Maelstrom Maestro: Complete a maelstrom map after performing X revives on at least 2 different teammates.
Hotshot Pox Drop: Kill a poxhound mid-pounce with a headshot.
Boss Rush: Kill one of each monstrosity (excluding daemonhost) in a single match.
Artful Dodger: Dodge X mutant/disabler attacks in Y seconds.
Patching Up: Administer a Med Stim to an ally when they’ve got one wound remaining.
Doctor Feel Good: Administer X stims to teammates in total.
Roid Rage: Deal X damage while under the effects of a damage stim.
Marathon Gunner: Run X meters while under the effects of a Celerity Stim.
Second Wind: Recharge your entire stamina bar with a Celerity Stim.
Deep Concentration: Activate your Combat Ability 3 times while under the effects of a Concentration Stim.
Mutie Mutilator: Kill X mutants in Y seconds during a Maelstrom.
Kennel Keeper: Kill X hounds during a Hunting Grounds condition.
Target Lost: Complete a Sniper Gauntlet without anyone on your team getting shot by a sniper.
Clean Bill of Health: Complete a Pox Gas mission without taking any corruption damage from the gas.
Intercept Course: Stop a Mutie, Trapper or Poxhound from interrupting a teammate doing an objective or reviving an ally by heroically sacrificing yourself.
(Excise Vault, Relay Station, and Warren all have map-specific Exploration penances. I think this should be standardized across all maps.)
The Machine God is Pleased: Complete the mid event on Clandestine Gloria without allowing a single overload to occur on malice difficulty or above.
Bridge Vigil: Kill X enemies by knocking them off ledges during the Vigil Station Finale.
Smelterminator: Knock X enemies into molten slag during the Smelter Complex finale.
Gatekeeper: Keep both gates closed for 90% of the Mercantile finale on malice difficulty or above.
Coordinated Capsules: Get both power cells to the Skylink under X seconds in Enclavum Baross on malice difficulty or above.
Consigned to Death: Kill the Consignment Yard Finale Boss by knocking them off a ledge.
Panic’d Attack: Complete the Archivum Sycorax mid event under X seconds on malice difficulty or above.
Logistical Nightmare: Place all the capsules in Chasm Logistratum’s finale within X seconds of each other.
Bridge Over Torrential Waters: Kill X enemies with environmental hazards (Barrels and ledges) during the Silo Cluster mid event.
Super Sleuths: Complete the Hab Dreyko mid-event under X seconds.
Thieves Guild: Complete Ascension Riser after opening every container and collecting at least X plasteel and Y diamantine.
Flawless Transmission: Complete Comms-Plex’s finale without failing or resetting any Data Interrogations on malice difficulty or above.
Capital Punishment: Kill the Assassination target in Magistrati Oubliette while their shield is still active.
You’ve got the Power: Flush the Coolant in under X seconds from the lift opening during the Power Matrix finale.
You’ve Train’d For This: Kill the Assassination Target in under X seconds on Chasm Station.