So, I continue to hate Rampart. Before any of you cretins tell me to just get good because you personally don’t find Rampart a big deal, first of all feel free to leave a reply and I will not read it, and second of all, the issue isn’t one of difficulty, the issue is one of Fun. If you think ‘get good’ is an appropriate answer, you may not be aware that Fun is a thing that some people seek when playing video games.
To support my position, a thought experiment:
Consider a hypothetical player who is highly skilled at fighting monsters in melee. The sort of player who can go toe to toe with a chaos spawn and not take any damage. Rampart is meaningless to this player; it contributes nothing to the experience. It may as well not exist. In other words, it is not fun.
Next consider a hypothetical player who loves ranged weapons. This is the kind of player who specifically plays almost exclusively as heavy ranged careers, IE Huntsman Markus, Waystalker Kerillian, Ranger Bardin, Engineer Bardin, Bounty Hunter Victor, and Pyromancer Sienna. In other games they’re the Sniper, they always get the longest range gun they can, they love nothing more than getting consecutive headshots. To this player Rampart is the worst thing in the game. Even if it isn’t cripplingly difficult to fight against, it hacks off half or more of their entire class. Every class ability or talent related to ranged damage is rendered moot, and whatever skill this player has built up with ranged weapons that they are presumably proud of becomes unusable. This is boring and infuriating, and likely makes the player feel singled out and bullied because Rampart obviously disproportionately affects players who pick the range heavy careers. Great, what a waste of time. Why even bother picking Engineer Bardin if there’s a pretty good chance that one or more of the monsters you’ll fight in the chaos wastes is just going to arbitrarily say no screw you that thing specifically you like doing doesn’t work at all. In other words, it is extremely not fun.
In summary, if a player does not rely on ranged weapons when fighting monsters, they get nothing from Rampart, and if a player does rely ranged weapons when fighting monsters, they get shafted. This is a game mechanic that is either ignored or hated. Being crippling for one set of players and negligible for another doesn’t balance out and make it interesting. It just sucks. Please make it do something else.
I mean especially if my bots are all going to very consistently get ruined by walking into every single exploding skull.