I am once again calling for further gatekeeping of the highest difficulty missions

MMR feels like too much for PvE game. Just thing beat x number of hi-int t5 to unlock auric, beat y number auric to unlock maelstrom will be enough.

This. Just as Fatshark, many noobs are driven by greed. They jump on auric/maelstrom cause think can farm materials faster there, then they ragequit, wasting time they could spent on successful run on lower difficulty.

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I see newcomers as a “hidden” difficulty option.

They are here to learn. High level stuff is already gated by lvl 30.

You get more things to look out for when playing, getting closer to “solo/duo/trio”, while still having somewhat of a safety net.

With my group of mates, we steamroll any Auric (except the occasional triple pox ledging everyone).

Just make all rewards for Heresy as good as damnation. There is nothing that can be done that will 100% fix the issue, but at least some portion of players who struggle deeply at 5 and 5+ can live happily in 4 and get the exact same rewards. Hell, give Malice the same rewards too, for all I care.


No offence, but the problem with posting here is that you’re posting to a biased community. You’re going to get falsely overrepresentive reinforcement. No one here on these forums openly plays Tier 4 as their top level. Tier 5 is seen as a relaxing level of difficulty. Everyone who ever mentions the level they play on, plays on T5 Auric or HiSTG.

I’d suggested an ELO ranking as a possible solution in the past, but I believe the player base is probably too small to properly support it. I also think it may be a bad thing ™ - because it’d discourage test builds. I know I can vary from regular T5s up to T5Auric depending on whether I’ve got my go-to build, or I’m trying something new. If I know a bad game is going to start putting me in a worse category, even psychologically that’s a dissuading factor.

Anyway, my genuine feeling (tl;dr ) - If you’re really wanting to play DT at that very highest level, you’d be better off trying to sort out a Steam or Discord Group* of “VeryGoodPlayers” , and just playing with them more regularly. I don’t think DT is supposed to be a high end hard core game, and gating people favours the few not the many.

*Pity the in-game social system is so utterly broken that you can’t use it better for this purpose, but there we have it :man_shrugging: .


I’ve been harping on the “same reward for heresy” suggestion like VT2 had for a while now, as have many others.
“I’ve seen bad level 1000s”, “bad players are the true difficulty modifiers” anecdotes and excuses aside, there are very often player who would struggle at heresy who are clearly just looking for a carry for the “end rewards”, they are often now level 100-200-ish too.

What happens when an average group has 1 such player? Maybe they can carry. 2? Not bloody likely. 3? Good luck to the poor SoB who sticks around trying to get them all or themselves to the Valkyrie, you’d have to be a real glutton for punishment or wanting to see the outcome for verminscience.

They could have at least gone to regular damnation but the “hardest diff=greatest reward” mentality gripped them. Ironically, they drastically lower the chances of rewards by actively tanking the team.

Time is absolutely finite, and these people know exactly what they’re doing, they just don’t care.
In a game, if the team is better off with a bot than you, it’s time to rethink things.


I believe it is time for T6 missions to be introduced.

We are cycling through same maps and know exact same spawn points for months by heart now.

So at least keep game going by taking it up a notch.


But it’s not like that. Everyone starts as lvl 1 and learns this game. It’s just a common sesne if you can’t beat t4 consistantly don’t go for auric maelstrom, it’s just egoistical and arrogant.

It’s the same situation when in some games seasoned players jump on lower difficulties and destroy learning process for new players just to flex, or smurfing.

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Sorry mate - I’m not sure how that’s a reply to my post that these forums are high-level biased?
Genuine apologies if I’m missing the gist of that one.

But how it’s biased to ask about system that prevents noobs to jump on the highest difficulties and ragequite? We were noobs too, noone started at auric with full god roll inventory and auto-injected knowledges about game mechanics. Was you acting like such people we are talking? Cause I persoanly wasn’t.

I love seeing that some of Squad’s total conversion mods are getting enough love to become official games (Starship Troopers: Extermination, for example)

Ah. I see.

The original poster has created a poll.
If you create a poll where the only people who can reply to it will have a bias towards one or more of the answers, then you’re creating a set of false positives (Type I errors).

That’s what I meant, and I think, what I said.

Am I excusing players deliberately playing so far above their level in order to cause upset to others? Not in my post above, no. But have I commented in the past about how I took time to learn all the mechanics at low levels so as not to be one of those people, well, yes I have. I know which camp I sit in. I think you’re reading more in to what I said, than I did, maybe? We’re probably in agreement, on reflection.

I just think the solution is more vanilla: bypass FatShark and find some gaming buddies.


Just misunderstood the “biased” part.

Well that will remove that part when you can find friends naturaly via playing. I have found some friends in V2 by just playing. And i personaly like to play with randoms, you can learn something new, others can learn something from you. Aswell as i don’t have any problems with unexpirienced players that trying their best.

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There is no reason why PvE cant have ‘ranked’ system.
WoW has mythic dungeons which scale, require you to have 2 things = gear and knowledge.
And both have a number in game.
One is gear item level (not perfect but sufficient)
Mythic rating - which is your personal score and its higher the more dungeons you complete (also not perfect but good indicator nontheles)

Darktide can’t support it. Barring FatShark suddenly becoming competent, and actually understanding what keeps players around instead of relying on dark design ‘retention’, this game will almost always be sub 10.000 concurrent players. It will peak for content releases, but most of the time, the game will have really low numbers. Ranked systems really wouldn’t work very well with such low numbers. Not to mention it would discourage experimentation even more than the abysmal crafting system already does.


To the OP:

There’s so reasonable solution to this that doesn’t create some major downsides^ for the rest of the player base that isn’t bothered by things being as they are.

If pubbing bothers you so much, get on discord and get a premade group going. That solves all your problems and doesn’t inhibit everyone else.

^ Issues with further gatekeeping include:

  • Adding yet more grind between “good” players getting into the game or leveling up alts can play on their preferred difficulty.

  • Further splitting up the player base.

  • Not recognizing that the only way for players to get better at the highest difficulty “is to actually play the highest difficulty.”


if those in question would be thinking rationally that´d indeed be the case.

as things stand now, people that fail hard in heresy or even below force themselves into auric games without understanding even the most basic of game mechanics.

hence no learning effect applies getting stomped even faster and harder in those settings they ought to “hone” their prerequisite abilities.

if i step into the ring with a heavyweight champion fresh out of training i learn nothing from getting one punch k.o´ed except how expensive my dental repair bills will be.

an ideal take would be player x is bored to tears in heresy and struggles mildly into damnation.
stats, equipment etc. taken into account i´d make up for difference in damage taken/dealt.

but nooo, little timmy gets his butt handed in malice, throws a tantrum to finally be worthy enough to join the big leagues and is a drain to everyone around him.

as for the player base split, in the end those opting for quality premades wont be a part of that base anyways, so they don´t lose anything.
while the remaining rest, i´d wager, doesn´t even bother who´s put in his lobby so i don´t see a problem there either.

if i had to guess, those remaining after the player count drops eventually will be the competent, motivated ones anyways plus, again wild guesses, are those putting money into their drip aka the lights on.


i played T4 regularly and was annoyed that they fail too often because of people dont fit together and build a team.
Mostly one is a rusher and able to solo most of the mission, but others dont and so it fails.
I made the step up to T5 and can do god, but often also have trouble due to louadout and build.
The outcome in ressources is much better and a failed mission sometimes provides the same amounts than a won T4 mission.
The teamplay in T5 is not much better, but a little bit maybe.

Because of builds and struggles im thinking about going back to 4 some days, because 10 mission fails in a row isn’t fun and i stop playing or go back to T4 for the moment.

but despite it i’m against any restrictions or ELO or whatever as i dont believe it help a small community.

Auric is only for premade imho.

In my opinion, this already exists in the game. If you see the following portrait frames, especially the top two, you know you’re playing with someone who can take care of themselves.



I have about 550 hours in the game and play Auric Damnation QP exclusively (I don’t play Maelstrom). I feel that in over 90% of the games I play teams are perfectly capable and do well.

Sure, runs are failed (1/4 to 1/3 of them I’d say), and those failures usually result in some or all of the team just not anticipating a dangerous situation combined with the AI director going berserk for 5 minutes. Whether we pull through or not rarely (less than 10% of games) hinge on “some awful player who shouldn’t be here not pulling their weight.” That’s a fine trade off to have for a system that’s otherwise fairly open and inclusive with minimal gatekeeping.


You could also turn this around and apply it to the people skipping difficulties, in fact the onus should be on them. This solves all the problems and doesn’t inhibit everyone else.

Yeah and that’s why there’s a difficulty between Heresy and Auric Damantion.
Levelling up to 30 then BAM, straight to Aurics is what a lot of these people are doing not having grasped any of the basics or fundamental, not mastered, grasped.

I question your numbers, and your observations don’t line up with reality as observed by my buddies, and others in this thread.
That 1/4-1/3 (both not great numbers btw) are usually directly correlated to someone actively dragging down the team, you just haven’t observed it for various reasons. This may be “fine trade off” for you…but ooof.

You should, alarmingly you’ll see MORE of these people who have no business in regular Damnation let alone Auric Maelstroms. Fresh 30s with blue gear are not a rarity…