Hub Idea: Pub

The Mourningstar has nowhere for us Rejects to order a round of pints for our Strike Team. Even for a 40K game, that’s a bit too grim dark.


I had an idea for that at one point.

The funny thing is that there is a Bar / Cantina room that they used for 1 cutscene. Generally i think you would have a few different things to do in it which would still fit in 40k.

-The Bar man can sell rations that give small temp buffs. This wouldn’t be anything game breaking but maybe slightly faster stam regen, bit more max health for a mission, reduced toughness damage, etc

-Mesozi’s Gambit which is an idea i had in another thread which would go in the bar. Mesozi gives you a hard mission with a unique modifier (no hud, lose ammo over time, etc) and you put up a bet of credits and / or crafting mats. If you beat it you double your bet and get a bonus item

-The Chem dealer, a similar idea to the bar man but rather than giving a temp buff you can purchase a stim that takes up a equipment slot. The stim can be used and give boosts similar to VT2’s potions. Ideally this would be used in tandem with Mesozi’s gambit to get through hard parts of it and give a credit or diamantine sink.


Honestly, that sounds like a lot of fun to explore. Darktide’s getting a more… underworld vibe with most of the new content. For example, earlier this year we got Ascension Riser which had us steal a payload from the Moebian Traitors, and now we’re getting a Red-Light District zone for the new upcoming missions. The Star Wars-esque “Cantina” would fit perfectly with the more… Hive Ganger/Space Scoundrel style that Grendyl’s Warband is currently utilising.


Imo FS should really lean into this to give the game some unique flavor. It makes sense that stuffing a bunch of criminals into a single space would eventually create a sort of micro prison culture aboard the Mourningstar despite the Inquisition’s attempts to enforce discipline and uniformity. Our presence there should change the Mourningstar, it should create a feeling of “hey, is Grendyl’s plan actually working or has arming hundreds of criminals and setting them loose in a warzone had some unintended consequences?”

Tbh it’s a real shame that most people just seem to want iconic guard regiment cosplay out of this game, it could offer a really unique and interesting look into the 40k universe and FS could really dig into the concept and worlds in the Moebian Domain to create something appropriately 40k but with their own style, I know their art team is good enough to do that, but up to this point the whole “Rejects” concept feels really undercooked.


Let us have a pub you had one in the Trailers where the recruits can talk and engage, it opens up more of the ship for us. and allow us to explore.

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Completely agree on the pub. The mourningstar needs to be built out more, the strip-mall nature of the one room we have access to is really awkward. A pub would be a great addition. Why not add the hangar bay, mechanicus section, etc? Give players their own berths to decorate. Then introduce some novel game mechanics to encourage players to gather and interact at the mourningstar. Oh and then they could add an mtx fashion shop so players can strut arou… oh they have that part already.


I mean, in my opinion it makes plenty of sense - since we are on a Rogue Trader’s vessel. Space Pirates would love to indulge in a couple of vices here and there, and so would our Penal Battalion Rejects.

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Also, have more players allowed on one Mourningstar at any given time, with some activities outside of the missions in general. This’ll allow us to socialise in the Hub a lot more, so we can finish what we are discussing in the Mourningstar instead of attempting to socialise during missions, and therefore not have to risk getting clapped by enemies just to text chat with others.

I would LOVE to go down to the Hangar Bay via the new elevator that they added near the Mission Terminal, or something. Just something for the more curious players to explore, kind of like how you could find all the different Heroes’ personal rooms in Vermintide 2, even though you didn’t have to. Also, the Vox Transmissions that are found on Fatshark’s YT channel should be available for the players to hear on the Mourningstar.


Coming back to this I really wouldn’t mind having a scum / pirate character.

I loved the inclusion of scum characters in the tabletop RPG as it adds a lot of flavour to the fact that the universe and points out that inquisition really does operate entirely outside of the law. It also is funny when you have a character that is an Arbite and forced to work with a scum character.

I can imagine that they would be highly protested by Morrow who brings out a laundry list of crimes that they’ve done only for Ranick to go “yeah that’s exactly why Grendel wants them”


“Interrogator Rannick, they’re literally a mass murderer.”

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“This one literally slipped past multiple defences, killed several guard and tried to assassinate you”

“Yes, hence why they are going into training. If they were better they would have forced me to leave my seat.”

Morrow just throwing his hands up and walking away

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Just secretly have Grendyl sitting at the pub as an NPC and reveal it later. Some devious foreshadowing.

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We were the Grendyl all along (this trope has cropped up in WH40k media and games way too often).

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Thankfully, the Vox Transmission XII indicates that Grendyl is, in fact, a singular (and real) Inquisitor.

I love the idea, just some chill area there for some funny stuff :+1:

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I’d like it to be like deep rock where I can do missions completely wasted

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Oh, by the Emperor… imagine the dialogue :skull:

100%, breathing some life into the Mourningstar.

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