Final wave and disconnected and no rejoin. I probably wouldn’t mind over a 20 min mission. But after committing right to the end…
It’s fun but very easy, I think it’s great for those who want the power fantasy or just chill in game with friends.
I like it. the trapper waves are a bit rough tho.
It needs way more enemies
I’ve just been told that my joke about the lore being RNG actually came true so.
Do I need to say it? You know what I do.
tested it today in the hope to have a somewhat havoc alternative to improve my skills and keep me on my toes.
well… lets say it isnt that, not even close, if damnation is the highest setting and the whole thing feels like a doom eternal arena room, without fast enemies.
the idea has potential, but either you do a “normal” map and spice it through scripted events OR you make this tiny arena, but then every inch needs to be fought over.
right now its putting yourself next to 2 spawn points, sping the meat grinder of your choice, couple bosses spawn, couple bosses die, event over?!?
i hope people getting the game for the first time use it as the training session its meant to be instead of freeloadig auric maelstroms but other than that i see no reason right now to do it more than once for curiosity.
I hope that’s the case for this. I intend to use it as such.
to work like that it’d sadly need a lot more prestige than what is actually is.
those rushing through difficulty settings, getting in stuff way over their heads, want instant gratification.
to keep em in mortis they need to be “matrixed” into thinking they’re the hot
logical thinking people will slow progress through malice upwards and by the point they put 100 hours into their journey valuable team members in auric.
mortis lacks the tool to teach real map situations cause its too condensed for that.
its good for mechanical stuff like aim, movement etc or getting a feel for breaking points BUT logical thinking and placing enemies and yourself to benefit a whole run… i dont see it in square open rooms.
I like it, but it certainly needs to be harder.
It just needs way more enemies. The concept and map and map events are all great…just too empty ATM
The arenas for the Trials are the most visually interesting levels for Darktide out of all of them. Actually nicely detailed compared to how drab Hive Tertium looks.
Characters that I have no interest in because I have not been given a good reason to have an interest in them.
Honestly: another big miss. TLDR: Too long, no reward, no action in that time.
Damnation offers low int damnation I guess? Like I played once and saw zero Crushers at all. Buffs are interesting but who cares if there is no actions, making some unique build for that mode is kinda pointless because you can test your build on a few mobs. If yll find them. I got a few newbie in martyrdom ogryn and psyker and non of them died for a single time in 12waves. So… Sefoni VA is cool but it cant keep me in engage with that mode.
Im super positive for modes being focused for new players but thats another joke. We have 25min penance (I closed for 33m) and that means speedrun and reward…225plasteel, around 100dim and 20k ordo. Like c’mon this is aint worth the time even for new players.
At least ty for matchmaking so I dont need to bother with party finder.
Make it 5 waves, full high intensity with no “warm up” starting waves so Wave 1 same difficulty as 5. So can get straight into the action from the get go.
12 waves too long as time commitment.
Servers too unstable for RNG disconnect on wave 9, 10 or 12 etc. Didn’t mind losing 20 mins on a mission but here.
But I like that people really do stick together in this mode because mission isn’t progressive to new area.
Also no loot goblins since no random crates of ammo/stims, so no reason to run off looking for things and stick with team.
Very melee/cc focused. I wish there was more no ammo modifier appearing often in normal missions, more up close and personal.
Hell could form defence line right next to respawn point and insta revive infinite.
Too easy, boring.
Game crashed after winning.
“Rewards” being cryptic audio?
Lmao even.
Some of the modifiers would be very cool as talents, and that’s infuriating.
But hey there’s a new track by jesper
ouch, sad to hear.
I wanted the wastelands of Chaos, or the endless waves. And I got a mode I’ll forget about like the mission with the twins, a 1 day adventure.
Fortunes of War was a real challenge. Something that even experienced cata players like my group needed to take seriously on any level from champion on up if we wanted a shot at it. Our first legend win took us a month of consistent effort. It took us dozens of tries per week over the course of several months to finally get that cata victory in.
I’m not sure what this is supposed to be. FoW baby mode?
Doesn’t help that narratively it’s just super-powered laser tag VR. And making audio lines the main reward is silly. They’ll all be up on the wiki before the end of the day.
All you guys actually playing it? Loads of fun!
The carnival map is even better IMO. Had lots more spawns too
And you’re not finding it fun? Honestly?
Have you played the carnival map? It’s awesome