Hotfix #49 (1.5.2) - Patch Notes

In that case, be sure to visit this thread:

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Hopefully we’ll see a


Added a third person mode under options"

I would cry tears of joy

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  • Tweaked the matchmaking values to avoid players joining too close to the end of the Rolling Steel mission.

This needs to be addressed some more. Me and a mate just joined a mission in progress and even if we had done everything perfectly it still would have been impossible time-wise. We lost, and we lost knowing as soon as we entered that we had no chance of winning.


I just tried this out, it is, in fact, is not fixed

could you make it an option to decline joining already running matches?

i understand it´s to fill spots occupied by bots, but i don´t have any intention to pick up where another left and not play the match from the start.

either i alt f4 in loading screen when the hangar bay doesn´t show up or log out after loading is done anyways.

so the “result” stays the same, but not the time spent in finding a fresh match :neutral_face:

ogryn thanking you, sah :saluting_face:


Sorry but for me this patch mess up the performance.

The new FSR 3.1 frame generation is activated on default. Maybe check this.
Best is to resett settings and redo your personal changes.

that is more than 1%.

I have been having the issue as zealot that dueling swords are still not available for me to buy in brunts armory, not appearing in any drop after missions… I have not seen a single one since the patch, so it has to be a bug and not just bad RNG

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That’s weird, you should try validating your local files

The game started crashing constantly after this patch, with a video driver error. Before the last update, I had no problems with the game. Now I can’t play because of constant crashes.