Hotfix #29 (1.2.22)

still not fixed charmed reload I see…

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audio used to be in a better place :sob:

Not sure what they did but iirc this happened right around xbox launch


I thought this was because you could cleave horde with the special attack so applying full stacks of bleed on them would be kinda nuts, and them saying “Acknowledged” doesn’t always mean it’s a bug.

This hotfix halved my framerate from 90 to 45, both during a mission and just standing around the mourningstar. Borderline unplayable.

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Sound Prioritization seems to be a difficult issue to fix.
Considering my Hardware can certainly handy 250+ at the same time, I wonder what they all are.
But while I’ve had to sound on a Stubber cut out once, on the Plasma gun it was certainly very noticable.
Happened almost every third time.
Still, every patch is welcome (assuming it sort of works, aka, they didn’t touch fire this time).

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I used to wave my weapon and no one could touch me, but now the enemy’s blows go through my sword

Seriously )=

You can mitigate this by changing the preset to something else and back again, but you have to do it every time you start the game :neutral_face:

what the dog doin


Melk Crash fix when?


or just specials not making noise in general. I figured that would be a top tier bug to fix.


missing instead pox burster detonation jumping from the spawn doors in the arena

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There’s a lot that’s not on this list…

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ALL Close Range blessings still appear to be bugged at 8m instead of 15m.


I guess it was a pipe dream to hope for any minor balance changes before fs goes on vacation. I was really hopingvfor some thunder hammer buffs


The fact that they even dropped a hotfix is fairly impressive for FS…

Post-Beta launch, pre-vacation FS wouldn’t have bothered. Hell, they wouldn’t have even said anything and just quietly gone on leave.


Now my game crashes on steam deck desktop mode and game mode :frowning: guess im have to wait until im back home now…



Which sword is it?

Any sword, or axe, or… Damage goes through everything. And before, somehow, the damage did not pass against the crowd