I don’t really remember much of Darktide now, so forgive me, but I’ll be giving you a breakdown of the features Vermintide 2 had since you said you haven’t played in a while:
Why is this feature important, because it allowed players to bypass the random nature of gaining new weapons from lootboxes. Additionally it provided players the ability to try out new weapons on the fly without being restricted to a dull setup for a prolonged period. Here’s how it works: you’re giving a basic version of that weapon, called “blacksmith”, you can then grab that basic version and expend resources to make an enhanced version, and then you spend extra resources to upgrade to different tiers - highest tier is red but orange is fine. You don’t really need to get perfect rolls or anything. Just having the base power level get increased is more than enough, as power level affects the essentials of your weapon; such as cleave, stagger, and overall damage. Furthermore, if you so desired, you can just use the “blacksmith” version to experiment with a new weapon.
This system worked well, encouraged experimentation, and allowed players to actively try out new weapons. I must emphasis though: the lootbox system of getting new loots sucked. Crafting alleviated it immensely.
In Vermintide 2 you had an ability to select which maps you wanted on which difficulty you desired. The freedom of choice was there. If you wanted to practice on a map on a certain difficulty so you can get good at, you could do that. If you wanted make progress at unlocking certain challenges or achievements on a specific map, you could do that. If you wanted to memorize book locations without running it in public, you could do that in private lobby. Sure, you can play quick play if you wanted to for random maps, but the game still gave you the option to play how you want.
For example, I like running Righteous Stand on Cataclysm in Public, since the map is short, sweet, and doesn’t take much time for me to beat with random Cataclysm players. I sometimes have to respond to family so choosing a short map like that is great for me. The fact that I can do that is a testament to player choice.
- Customization of Player Hub
In Vermintide 2 you can display your hard earned achievements through banners, trophies, and paintings. I liked this feature since it incentivized me to continue playing the game so I can get a new trophy or banner to showcase in my player hub. It’s fun and cute! Most people don’t really care about that stuff when joining my hub when I host; as they just rush to portal for mission, but it fills me with so much joy when I walk around and appreciate those cute trophies in my keep!
Vermintide 2 has a lot of quality of life functions in its setting page. My favorite one is Enabled Crosshairs. I like it because it lets me disable the annoying crosshair for melee. I have it on for Ranged, but I have it off for Melee. I’ve played this game for so many hours in this manner.
- Ability to Host Private Lobby
I brushed on this a bit in Map Selection section but aw man; I can not overstate how useful this is. Some days I just want to play by myself with bots on Cataclysm and not have anyone join me.
- Ability to Earn Premium Currency
You have this currency called Shillings and there’s so many way to earn it; Dailies, Weeklies, Events, Challenges, and so on. It’s very easy to stack a bunch of these coins and buy whatever non-cash cosmetic you want. It’s quite player friendly centric and not as intrusive as the premium currency from Darktide.
My favorite mode in this entire game bar none. It’s fun; players get access to boons that progressively transforms them into power machines - boons also radically change how a class is played in interesting ways. Completing challenges associated to Chaos Wastes also unlocks cute cosmetics! Furthermore, the randomness in level layout, boons, and weapons; leads to each run being fresh and never being dull from the last.
Obviously I was going to mention this at some point when talking about Vermintide 2. Each class has different ultimates that effectively changes your gameplay. Meaning if you get bored of how one class plays out. You can switch to another one, and so on, and so forth. This is fantastic as it ensures that the game doesn’t get stale for me.
Conclusions: there are probably a lot more features to talk about, but those are the ones that came to my mind in how I felt that Vermintide 2 did better than Darktide.