Hold to sprint bug

Issue Type (Required):

Player Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

In certain games, pressing the sprint toggle key will frequently result in just a small jog, then fall back to a walk.

I’m convinced that this is a server lag on input issue. As I’m trying to toggle sprint (“hold to sprint” is off in the input options) - I think the server is missing the key press.

This results in me having to tap the sprint-lock key, [shift] in my case, several times before my avatar will start to run.

Have had this for a year, but it’s still not been resolved. :confused:

Just wanted to re-flag this. I will try and find keypress <> screen software if necessary.
Today, while the game was playing fine, I often had to hit “sprint” four or five times before I got in to a run. Then it’d arbitrarily drop me out, even if I had loads of stamina spare.

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