Toggle sprint is slightly frustrating

There are many instances where I find myself wanting to start sprinting and I’ll press shift but find myself not actually starting to sprint because I was technically still performing another action, such as finishing a dodge animation, at the tail end of being stunned, or just not completely done with a melee swing. It’s very frustrating to press the key when visually it seems like I should be able to sprint, but I’m just a fraction of a second premature and my character remains walking, disabling me from starting a slide or forcing me to panic and try to hit the key a few more times until I am sprinting.

This could probably be fixed by queueing up the sprint for a short bit so it starts right when the current action ends and it would make the game feel at least a hundred times better for me personally. I can’t be the only one feeling this lol, it just seems like a small thing that’d make the game feel a lot better. If there’s any devs reading this or anything please take a look into it if you can, and thank you!

I don’t have any input issues. FS Jank is always lurking!

I feel queuing actions would cause more input issues, as the melee combat is so fast paced, but if it was a toggle option in the menu’s I see no harm if it helps players.

It should cancel and overwrite other actions if there are to be any changes imo. Queuing would lead to a different set of issues.

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