As a 600+ hours player, I normally play on EU server but I feel like I lose 70%+ games no matter how hard I try when it comes to high-intensity shock trrop gauntlet. Any idea?
Sure, generally speaking its need a decent team at his level of difficulty.
By playing with randoms i have a similar quote, but its depend on daytime.
Before 18pm CET there way more rookies, which struggle with basic things.
On the other hand, with a nice team it’s rare that a misson fail.
That’s the point yeah. Shock Gauntlet doubles specialist slots, while Hi Intensity has increased spawns, extra slots and less wave delay. The end result is you killing 20+ specialists about every 3 minutes.
When I want to sweat less I just stick to the non shock hi intensity.
Are you usually the last person standing?
Accept defeat → do not blame your teammates → see mistakes that were done by the team including you → work on them → go again → repeat until victory
If victorious → see why → work on that → go again to increase winrate
Many are quick to blame the teammates, this will not help and just lead to you quiting as soon as you are downed, work around the team and adapt your playstyle to fit the current situation.
Even with the greatest team the loss can accure because of the human factor.
Power through every loss and become the great player and a teammate that others will strive to become
Hi-Intensity Shock Troop Gauntlet is just too sweaty of a modifier for me, but either modifier is fine on it’s own. Them being together is the problem.
I think the really simple and obvious answer here is; don’t play it if you find it too hard.
70% loss rate seems a bit high, even for greener players, but HiSTG is supposed to be spicy with an average group.
FWIW, there are definitely more players since the last big update, in N. America at least, who are clearly in over their heads by a considerable amount. A lot of them are returning players.
Since the last hotfix, some enemy spawns seem different too, like big beefier elites in the locking airlock tunnels of Archivum Sycorax and other maps, making it noticeably spiciers. Special clown car spawns seem rather more common too since last big update, not sure if I’m imagining it. Double conjoined twin specials is still a thing.
You can drop to regular non HiSTG aurics or damnation until things improve if it’s too frustrating, again 70% loss seems a bit high to me.
You may also be at a point where a lower difficulty is also too easy (a lot of players find them too boring) in which case it may be better to persevere and see if there’s room for improvement in things you can control.
HiSTG is actually harder than the majority of Maelstorms. Especially if it’s a maelstorm with cooldown reduction or something like maelstorms with just waves of mutants and dogs.
Playtime isn’t exactly a good indicator of player skill. I’ve seen level 2000 psyker/ogryn auric storm survivors sht the bed harder than a malice player taking a tourist go on auric damnation.
You might want to give more infos on why you fail and what happens when a run goes south. Your build and own play style is also relevant.
Either way from what I see the general consensus of auric regulars (mine included) is that auric is too easy right now. Mostly due to little to no hordes spawning and weapons/builds being too OP
There are more players that can’t handle the difficulty. Even with the massive power increase we had (at least that’s my opinion).
I actually complete the auric penances. I have seen yesterday, by example, a veteran that was more on floor than fighting. There was even a time where we liberated him (so he has been dead) and he succeeded to fall on floor 30 seconds later.
I seriously think to jump to maelstrom (i have to do the penances also) once I will complete the one that requires that you complete 10 auric missions without dying (I am at 8/10).
Cause I don’t think I will be able to complete the penance that requires to complete a mission without any player going down.
Even on an operation (so short time), I have seen one player that managed to fall just before the first door.
I agree. Nothing force you to play high intensity + shock troop. Play at the difficulty you’re confortable with.
I agree… 15-25% should be a normal failure rate with randoms.
Great… as I will jump to maelstrom soon and that I need several penances (all maelstrom + auric not yet completed), this will make the process easier.
I must say that I can be this guy. I play more zealot and veteran, so if I take an Ogryn, I am not confident in my skills. And worse with a psyker (I am the worst psyker player you can find).
But for Ogryn, I try to complete the penances (I decided to go for Ogryn before the psyker), so my build is more than weird (this is the combination of all things to complete more penances at same time).
For Psyker, I have made a build, without keystones (I feel that I run into veteran problem again, keystones don’t seem to bring me something valuable) that seem fun to play. Have to test… it will be surely a disaster, but who knows…
Agreed. I just booted the game again and it checks out. My loss rate is roughly 17% as a pub/quickplay player. For reference I’ve got roughly 900h in the game. Games are roughly half and half zealot/psyker
My statistics would look much different if I started playing more Ogryn. Which is why I asked for his build, playstyle and circumstances.
I know that feeling. I just dislike playing as the slow brute. Maybe if he had a more exciting set of weapons, but sadly his current kit and equipment isn’t something I enjoy as well. No shame in that.
Maybe it’s the weapons you’re using?
Weve not much to go on, but if you’re not using at least one weapon that can quickly kill armoured targets then you’re going to struggle regardless.
to give you a proper idea i´d need more info on the matter, preferably some gameplay videos if you record your matches.
likewise here :
is one of my wildest HISTG matches in a long time.
definately a statistical anomaly for usually the level of clutch and carry is popping up in I II V E G or C I VI (gas excluded for other reasons)
as already stated, other players definately are a factor.
now i don´t want to dunk on the fellas included in my match above, might have had a bad day (emperor knows waking up at 5:20 a.m today due to “outside factors” i´ll not touch my rig today) or a series of bad engagements on his end.
fact remains though, this put a lot more stress onto my ogryn back than any auric maelstrom modifier the last 100 matches
now for the “solution”
600 hours stretched across 4 classes wouldn´t be anything i´d trust a carry with if hits the fan.
150 hours isn´t something that includes every fkup on the horizon and sometimes you need your “real” spidey senses (NO not that dreaded mod ) tingling to read the room(s) ahead.
600 hours into one class, there´d seem a fundamental issue of playstyle.
maybe over-commiting to hopeless situations ( see ending of my video: disengage and live to see another rashun, sah )
trading more of your ressources (health,toughness/ammo etc.) to pick up “fallobst” players over and over again with no feasible pay off in terms of mission progress or momentum.
at around 500 hours on my ogryn i had the feeling for fine-tuning stuff (to a degree) before things get out of hand and eventually carry or clutch of we were past that point already.
before that i was simply reacting instead of preemtively shaping a situation.
this combined with less than suited team mates is essential to keep a mission from going south.
i.e don´t shy away using a grenade if that means 2 people make it out instead of biting the dust.
1 tool less vs. 2 players still on the chess board means enemies concentrate on two other targest than yourself.
a wipe with a grenade in your pocket is still a wipe and for all you know the next 3 boxes around the map each offer a new one.
don´t shy away from perfecting one set of tools instead of jumping across all possibilities cause always the same gets “boring”
fear the man that practised one kick a million times and all that.
don´t change because the team´s composition either.
chances are the ogryn using the same kickback/pickaxe combo isn´t nearly as adept with it as myself, so trusting him with doing my job while having suboptimal tools myself, is a recipe for a n early ending screen.
do more auric maelstroms.
HISTG is rather the option if nothing else is available and i´ve recorded two of the same modifiers on the same map already, no need for a third one.
and not wanting to wait out the odd 10 minutes i go for a quick HISTG instead, chances being it´ll be worth watching.
if auric maelstrom can´t get you stressed anymore, HISTG usually will be a walk in the park IF suited team mates are available.
but then again, “this” factor is a wildcard in every setting.
now, unless this growths to unreadable proportions, watch the video if you like and see if you can take anything from it
Honestly it wasn’t that bad, I got that in one of my first auric runs. Admittedly I generally duo queue with a friend but when you get those people who know what they’re doing it gets very, very easy. Having a chorus zealot, VoC veteran, and dome psyker pretty much trivialized it.
That said, complaining about the absolute highest difficulty modifiers is weird to me. I finished leveling my veteran and was jumping into them even in the upper 20s. It was pretty funny joining a lobby and watching all 3 people in it leave. I just kinda rolled with it and cleared it just fine with the 3 new people. Hell, the game I hit 30 on was a HI5SG vent purge.
Guy, I cannot play the 3 other players… there is always one that fall.
I can fall on floor also sometimes. But most of the time, thanks to the build I use, I don’t get on floor.
Tbh, most of the players are great. They rarely fall, but it can happen.
However, what is an obstacle is these guys that can’t handle the difficulty.
Last night someone said, in one auric game, “7 different players and still we managed to complete it”. We see players that really can’t handle the difficulty and finish to leave the mission if it is not worst, the alt+F4 and they don’t come back (so we keep a good bot until the end, happened yesterday also)
Chorus zealot is absurdly good at saving people from themselves, it’s what I was playing at the time. I use a supporty build that lets me be tanky, save people with chorus consistently via knockbacks, shields people from ranged, while having decent damage still.
Obviously you can’t control everyone but it just takes getting the right mix. If you’re really determined to get the penance something like the above can help a lot if you don’t get it naturally. The zealot set up is just a natural evolution of what I already did prior to the skill tree rework.
I play a toughness build with fury the faithful. And I hate chorus. I find this ability boring.
sooner or later, it will work
I agree completely!
A single excellent player can carry a team in DT. Outside of the bugs like soundless specialists, failing weapon switches & ults, or getting stuck on pebbles and thin air… this is a game where you basically only ever die to your own mistakes. Whether that mistake was something immediate and skill related like failing a dodge or missing your target, or a delayed tactical one like charging into the open only to get gunned down 10-20s later, it’s still a mistake. Teammates are virtually never responsible for your deaths.
But there’s a larger point to be made against blame gaming in general. It’s toxic, it’s fruitless and won’t help others get better but only make them anxious or vindictive and perform even worse, and it reduces your agency. Simply put, accepting your responsibility lets you learn and improve. Shifting the blame unto others will not.
Now yes ofc there are exceptions and like always it’s a matter of degrees, you should be able to expect at least some minimum level of skill from people who chose to play the highest difficulty in the game. But it doesn’t change that most of the time, blame gaming is going to make you toxic, wrong, and just bring more harm to everyone.
I mean this is what I run, it could probably be optimized more or whatever but it was what I already was comfy with prior and just rolled with it. My playstyle stayed very similar to my old one with fury of the faithful, with the additional utility of being able to stumble everything and overshield. Overshielding in general is huge for surviving. Pumping out crits to maintain the constant CDR lets me almost always have chorus available.