Hestia’s Decollation Crusade - Skulls 2024 Live NOW

Thank you.
I’ll do the 100 second wait for the mourningstar to load then! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Also: how contrived.
You’re doing new content, don’t make people jump through key combos to get it. Just put it on the original screen with Hestia.

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It’s the same UI overlay system/UX for the penances and contracts?

Oh, and it looks like it’s not just Krieg - the equally overpriced Rogue Trader cosmetics are back.

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Have they said if they’re permanent? Wouldn’t that be an oft-requested improvement, even a small one? I hope they are!

The cosmetics? For skulls only. You can’t scam people without having a FOMO timer on it.


Time-limited would fit the current pattern. Wonder if we’ll have 4 pages from now on or if it’ll drop separately or something. Anyway…SKULLS!

(damn, SM2 looks rad!)

If it’s not the crafting update or new weapons I literally don’t care.

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I’d give you a jester for this “event” if I only could


Not going to pass judgement on everything because we don’t know everything, but if I had read this post when it released, with it potentially being all the Skulls event contained I think it would rightfully be very dissapointing.

I think the framework and UI being there is great, and it being tracked in the Mourningstar with a timer as well is awesome. But it doesn’t make me very excited at the moment.

For the crafting materials thing, we don’t know when or what the itemization update is, so it’s hard to get excited for it much? It is, currently, just more resources to feed into a bad system.

Personally I think they should have just added the event tomorrow so they could announce everything at the same time.

We’ll see what they’ll say during Skulls.

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While I agree with the overall sentiment that the current rewards for the current system are generally subpar, I’d be really happy to see similar events every month with challenges and rewards that doesn’t require much development time (Kill Ogryns, Kill with headshot, get marty skulls etc, for crafting components, high tier weapons and whatnot), with some light lore reasoning (like Hestia’s Crusade now). If the new system allow such a thing of course!

PS: Also, thanks for the transparency. Developing a new event system that can be flexible and easier to use on the development side is definitely worthwhile.


The rewards seem very lackluster and don’t galvanize me to play. I’m not sure what goes on over there where something like this gets pushed out? Test or not.

The boss event was much more interesting than skull cracking for mats that I can get in one or two T5 missions. Why include mats if the system is being reworked anyways? Unless they still plan to be part of the crafting in some way? Even so, the mats you chose aren’t even the good ones.

Some of the highest yield ordo rewards are within 20K or less of that 80K reward at the top of the Decollation Crusade list. Between the two ordo rewards, the total is 220K, which can be achieved within four T5 missions - significantly faster than the time it would take to earn that 220K.



A call of duty crossover having better looking 40k cosmetics than darktide, despite selling MTX being FS’ main thing. This stream is actually funny.


I miss the Twins mid mission event so much. It’s still so incredibly sad they completely got rid of it.

DT doesn’t have fast enough content pipeline to shelve fun mission mechanics like that after an event.


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Wait that’s it?

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it’s funny how the actual event isn’t out yet but the early part of the event is being judged lit it’s all they did for months. this community sucks.

You know what, after such statements, what will happen now, and what we see: Secrets 06/25 - go to hell


i weep.

edit: i rise.

Do you know where you can put the cards for yourself and on your desk? No offense to those who were waiting for them, namely for the FS. Seriously? Where is at least something normal? What a disgrace?

So in short. we got nothing now, and wait 1(?) month for DLC