Since the new Patch… I can never get The “5 or 10 consistent” Auric or Malestorm Auric achievement…Because your A.I see’s that im doing good and springs a SILENT TRAPPER from either a mosh pit horde, or the Dream Team Alley-oop flammer + Silent Trapper and pulls me in the fire to baked… and i can’t leave out the stun gunners… the second i get hit im stunned and can’t raise my shield ( psyker) or run out of the way…im instantly stun and go down…Then the silent trapper comes along and they all point and laugh at me…
As for the Hell Hounds ,somehow they magically pounce me before getting in their Pounce position animation… its been a few time they run past or right on the side of me and pounce…or i hit them , they’re stunned and magically pounce me…
i know im not the only one that has this problem… can you please fix this devs?
The trappers have been bugged & silent for over 6 months now. They’ve made some fixes to them but the sounds remain bugged to heck on T5+. Most of those fixes just toned down their ability to shoot that net through everything and took down their stagger resistance.
The sound bug occasionally affects other mobs too, like doggos, muties, or crushers right behind you. But aside from that, doggos have always been able to pounce instantly if it’s at the end of a mostly straight sprint, kinda like picking up speed and then do a running leap. The problem there, imo, is just how unpredictable they are on account of those wonky “run left no right no DO A 360 SPIN no back-lef-STRAIGHTSPRINTPOUNCE” animations, and how deceptively short that sprint needs to be. You can literally never tell where the heck a dog is gonna be 0.2s later, even if staggered they just keep breakdancing every which way.
Anyway… I agree with you on all counts. But after all this time already, I’m not really expecting them to get fixed any time soon. Sadly. With doggos best to just stagger them early, or back up behind a box or corner or something and assume that they will leap you every time no matter how it seems like they shouldn’t. Luckily they are very easy to push out of it these days. I still remember back around the first idk 3 months after release when their hitbox for you was like 5m wide and pushing literally did not work ever, at least not with my ping. Dogs were just a death sentence with no mechanics to play around at all. x.x
Yeah they all seem broken since the update. Especially hounds. Yesterday I got pounced by one that I hit mid-air with melee. That has always cancelled the pounce before but this time didn’t.
I’ve also noticed a lot of hounds pouncing without the pre-anim and also being silent is seemingly more common than having audio across all the immobilisers from my experience.
Pushing and push attacking will always block a dog. The time window is so large that you can literally stop it mid flight a few meters away.
I believe that was Fatshark’s idea of w bandaid fix for things like bad long, connection issues and the general wonkiness of dog ai.
You can try it out if you have the creature spawner. The pushing always works and trivializes dogs. Hitting requires perfect timing which is almost impossible if your connection is even remotely unstable.
I was putting my post in as another example of it getting borked and things not working properly.
You can add mine to your gunners…
I also have to press the use sheild key twice most of the time to get it out… First time it goes through the animation and nothing happens, the 2nd time it pops.
I got the hell scared outta me by a hound just last night. I was at the back of the group keeping enemies off of them and see a hound jog up to about 20 feet away. I watch it with my melee ready to push but it just points its ass at me. I chuckle, wonder what its looking at then suddenly, ROAR, it is not more than 2 feet from my face, teeth pointed out and making an awfully loud noise. It pounces me, obviously, and I need a second to catch my breath from the scare I was given. It was more like a Five Nights at Freddy’s jumpscare or something than a Darktide enemy. Super spooky.